Pure DnD translates well to PC gaming when it's real-time with pause, like BG 1 and 2, Icewind Dale, etc. This game is taking a very deliberate turn-based approach which struck me as reinventing the wheel, but given Larian's track record I was going to give them the benefit of the doubt. Having played 4-5 hours so far it feels like combat is still very early in development. The turn-based approach does not flow well or feel good when combined with BG3's interpretation of DnD rules. Larger combats take a long time to resolve and the dice rolls seem to me to have a massive tendency toward missed attacks, which contributes to the slow feel of combat. I just don't think that faithfulness to DnD rulesets should take precedence over the needs of a turn-based RPG -- what BG3 the game needs should be prioritized over the DnD ruleset.