Originally Posted by PubisDeciusMons
As a longtime DOS2 player I fully agree. Superficially it looks and "feels" like DOS2, then when you get into a medium to large-sized fight, it feels like a somewhat awkward and strange new experience compared to DOS2. For example, the movement bar is almost totally unused for some characters, while the one action limit feels crippling. It's worse when you forget to do a short rest and thus lack a spell slot. Yes, of course you can always remember to do short rests but what really is the point? Just make it automatic -- ah but I am sure here the DnD purists would get upset. I think the bulk of the work for Larian on combat mechanics is going to be making changes that favor turn-based PC RPG gameplay over a strict interpretation of table-top rules. I still need to play EA a lot more but already it feels like combat needs to have reduced variability in some of the misses (some epic bad dice rolls like XCOM, lolwhut), faster gameplay in larger/longer fights, and the limited action/spell slot/divinity point/combined with a huge separate movement bar that often goes unused is worth taking a long hard look at.

That's how action economy works, and it should stay that way. Sure there are some things they can tweak and change to make battle feel a bit smoother, but having your movement speed, one action, one bonus action, and your reaction (attacks of opportunity and some spells) is the way 5e D&D plays and should absolutely stay how it is. If they toss out the general basis of how D&D combat is run, they might as well just rename the game entirely cause then it would be lacking some of the most basic 5e rules. This is supposed to be a D&D 5e game, not a Divinity Original Sin game, they should not be making it play more like a game that it isn't supposed to be while drifting farther from the game it is supposed to be. That's like DOS3 coming out and you find out that it plays like a completely pure adaption of D&D rules. You wouldn't be very happy that your DOS game plays like a pure D&D would you? Well, we're not gonna be very happy that our D&D game plays like an almost carbon copy of a DOS game.

A game marketed and sold as a D&D game should lean towards D&D rules, with some tweaks and balances as needed to make it fun and keep a little bit of that Larian brand in there. But it should not move even farther away from the material it is supposed to be centered around just to appease the DOS players. When DOS3 comes out, then we'll have our next Divinity game. But this is not, and should not, be it. Whenever a DOS3 gets made, the D&D people aren't going to flood into the forums insisting that it become more like D&D when it has nothing to do with D&D, so why should this game that has nothing to do with DOS other than being made by the same devs be pulled towards playing more like DOS and less like D&D?