You seem to only speak for some Baldur's Gate fans, who never played Dungeons and Dragon to be honest.
As I said to someone elsewhere: this game's biggest issue is it's name. If it was called Waterdeep, no one would bat an eye.
Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 was an ADnD Game, that's 2nd edition. Baldur's Gate 3 is DnD 5th edition. Much of the game will reflect this.

So I will counter some of your arguments, just because there are good reasons:

1.) You aren't the same character though. Hence why you don't keep your skills

2.) Everyone being able to cast spells isn't true to DnD5e, and neither is Wizards learining all spells. I agree this could be a bit much.
I don't agree that all you need is Wizards, but in 5e you can play what ever class combos you want though

3.) Again, this is just your expectations as a BG player, and not a DnD player it seems. Most DnD groups tend to be a party between 3 to 6 players. 6 being a very large group really.
Four players works just fine, and is very "standard" for most 5e games. It's kinda what I expected.

4.) No, this is a signatur of Dungeons and Dragons, especially older editions. The standard way of creating characters these days is either through Poitns buy (that BG3 has) or Standard Array. (A preset of stats).
Rolling still exists, but not in the "I will roll till I get what I want" style of BG1.

5.) Well you didn't have heights in Baldur's Gate. And while height isn't part of the core DnD rules, this has nothing to do with physics, it's about logic, and an adaption of DnD 5es cover rules it seems.
Having high grown isn't about an arrow not reaching you because of physics, it's about you being harder to see. In DnD 5e you can get half cover and 3/4th cover making you harder to hit this affects spells too. In BG3 you get bonuses from height.

5b.) Wow calm down man. Why do you jump to get behind the enemy? You can just move around them you know? The "Advantage if you are behind an enemy" is a variant rule in DnD 5e, it applies to everyone not just Rogues. Rogues does need some work imo, but they get sneak attack already, so they get more out of attacking an enemy from the rare.
I don't see what the problem with some tactics is.

6.) It's clear to me that you never played Dungeons and Dragons. You don't "choose" a path, you explore a path, come what may.

7.) Your taste in characters isn't something "everyone" agrees with. That's personal choice.

7.b) While I don't see any issue with having 4 clerics, I do agree that I think the origin characters should have their own class. I just want to repsec their stats...


9.) Yeah... while I want Plate Armor, I also want game balance. As for items giving spells: This isn't ADnD, this is DnD5e. Magic items exist, and many of them tend to have added abilities. "Wand of Fireball" is actually an item in the core ruled of Dungeons and Dragons 5e.

10.) This is an argument for why they should optimize combat, and maybe add a 2x speed.

And yes as you keep saying this isn't the game you wanted, and I agree it sucks that people like you have to have their dreams broken because of the name of the game. BG3 is an amazing game, and would have been amazing if it was called Waterdeep or Sword Coast Adventures, or something else. But many games change direction, especially the ones which are reawoken decades after release.

You know your post could have been shorter by saying "Change the name of the game"? because your main issue with the game stems from the name, and your expectations of it, it seems.