Originally Posted by Jharryl
80s huh? noob. I started with the box set DnD, pre AD&D.

The more I read about 5E, the more I am thinking that may be no small part of the problem right there. Do away with alignments? Hell we have definable alignments IRL. Just look at some of oyur coworkers. You can probably name 1 or 2 who are LG, 1 is clearly CE, 1 or 2 who are clearly CG...

The more I am reading, the less convinced I am that I will ever buy the game.

I recommend you take a course on ethics, but seeing how that's less likely, how about try this marvelous lecture series by the esteemed Michael Sandel: https://www.edx.org/course/justice-2

I know you missed out on the last 30 years and then some of progress, but there were serious issues with alignments and it was almost inevitable that it would have to go away.

Also, your heuristics are beyond stupid.