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Originally Posted by mysta6767
Why not a Wizard in full plate with a 2h sword casting fireball and sneaky stabbing something with the 2h sword? Because in D&D forever, Wizards are supposed to be lightly armored, if at all, and use magic to boost their defense.

Because in D&D for many settings now the rules of magic require things like intricate somatic movements which armour, and tools/weapons that aren't arcane foci, inhibits. It's not easy to perform the exact motions with your arms and fingers if you're wearing plate. Mechanically speaking it's to allow for the very thing you seem to think doesn't exist: giving each class clearly defined advantages and limitations. If a wizard can wear plate and wield a sword then they get some of the advantages of fighters without any real disadvantage.

Originally Posted by mysta6767
On that topic, the way Wizards work in 5e, is also bad. You only get to select a few spells and then you have a certain amount of uses of any of them using spell slots. Isn't that how sorcerers are supposed to work?

It's not "bad" just because it's different from traditional Vancian mechanics. Sorcerers are distinct by a) not preparing spells and b) having metamagic abilities to enhance and augment their spellcasting.

Originally Posted by mysta6767
I don't think the changes being requested are bad suggestions. I agree with a lot of them. My biggest change would be use 2e or 3e hybrid.

Whether or not you personally like it 5e is not only the current edition it's also the most popular edition of D&D. 2e hasn't been relevant for decades, you might as well not call your video game a D&D game if you're basing it on 2e.

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Joined: Oct 2020
Originally Posted by alexawow2006

The problem is there are d&d 5e players, old d&d players, divinity players and BG players and each and every one of them is expecting the game to be just like their fantasies, which is not the case of course.
As I personally see it, BG is, first and foremost, a story and a universe the story is set in. Just like any other franchise, the mechanics themselves are debatable to say the least, games change as time goes. What BG players want pretty much is BG 1/2 HD Edition.

Divinity players, on the other hand, just want this game to be like just divinity, which basically means action point based system, no "rests" and no random dice rolls. So they want DOS3.

And tabletop players for the most part are fanatics which will always whine about "That's not how it works in d&d!" while completely missing the fact that original d&d is basically tabletop and d&d rules will and should change as the d&d based game gets digitalized, for obvious reasons.

However, some of those complaints are valid, like the party controlling options. Chaining/unchaining is a chore indeed and manually jumping with 4 crew members is tiring.

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Joined: Sep 2020
Agree with making it easier to select party, the chain thing is a bit irritating

1. Pretty sure this game is separate from the other two

2. This is definitely a deviation from 5e rules. I like it but am expecting it to change

3. Don't really care about party size. Turns are really tedious right now with all the enemies involved in some fights, playing with 6 would be awful for me.

4. This system is a fair one and saves a lot of people hours from trying to get the best stats. Play the game instead.

5. Confused about how this one was phrased but if you have the high ground it should be easier to hit a target. Common sense really.

5b. Would like an option to disengage without the jump.

6. DnD is dice rolling. Many times things do not go the way you want them to, at least with this you can reload a prior save.

7. I barely played the earlier games, found them boring but from what I read about Minsc and Boo I don't get the obsession, don't like goofy stuff in my games. As for the others, calm down. You will most likely get your hoity toity good characters. No one will like all the companions. Wyll will probably be tweaked a bit before release.

7b. Why force everyone to have a traditional party? Multiclassing is really nice, also maybe I want a party with multiple of the same class?

8. I usually play survival games (I am here because I like DnD and FR) so not having a day/night cycle or weather is a bit weird. Can play without it just fine though. With the burning house, there was too much fire for any water to permanently extinguish it. For stealth bonuses, use spells and tactics

9. Heavy armour at low levels would be a bit much. Maybe later on it would work for drops but earlier it should be purchase only if at all.

10. Turn based right now is tedious for me but again I don't usually play this type of game. I hope by release the enemy turns will go a lot faster, this will help a lot.

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The only real thing out of that list of nonsense and misunderstandings is maybe day/night cycle, which would be a nice touch.

The rest is basically griping about EA bugs (wizards won't be able to learn divine spells from scrolls, don't sweat it), not understanding that game follows D&D 5e (advantages, elevation, etc) or just plain nonsense like that 100 of years thing - it's not even BG1/2 character durr.

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Originally Posted by alexawow2006
i joined forum on 05/03 after they revelaed trailer and here is the first thing i wrote::
" Party selection must be same as in baldurs gate, drag and move mouse to make a square which selects characters, this is absolute must have for the game to succeed as baldur´s gate.. The chain / unchain party together is a DOS2 mechanic and i absolutely despice it. (Larian probably made this mechanic for the multiplayer purpose, but it´s still awful for single player experience) or at least make a damn shortcut key, select all party members (insta chain all or unchain all)"

As i expected back then and its still the same, controls are garbage manuallly jumping over a cliff with 4 party members...
to be honest im getting disappointed with the whole BG3 thing, they used the name baldurs gate to attract a lot of people to buy their remake of divinity. When Sven was talking about this brain that you could talk to and how they spent lots and lots of time integrating this in the game because somebody came up with great idea... instead of writing thousands of dialogues you should concentrate on real stuff.

1. ) The game takes place 100 years after the events of Baldurs gate 2. (after all this time you have forgotten all the spells you had in baldurs gate 2 and now start at level 1 and your max level is going to be 10 ?

2.) The rules have changed, now wizards can cast divine spells, so if you play a sorcerer you dont need anybody in your party. My warrior can use mage scrolls... and btw he is a reach guy so he has more spells then Gale..

3.) The party suddenly reduced from 6 to 4 man in both games bg1 and 2 and even the dragonspear which came out just recently there was a big party, now its just 4??

4.) You cant roll your stats in the beggining of the game, its also one of the signature things of the baldurs gate

5.) If i climb on a cliff my spells suddenly follow the gravity rules and for some unknown fkn reason start to miss!!! Low chance of landing a spell on a person above you and higher chance to land hit on a person below. This is not baldurs gate.

5 b ) everybody get in the line behind that gnoll and take turns backstabbing him with everything you GOT!! thats right, every single turn of the fight i spam JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP, the acrobatics are absolutely crazy, you wanna place
your characters behind the target so that they have a higher chance of hit!! this should only be a thing for a thief!!! Btw where is hotkey for jump??? controlling the party is so important that its PRIORITY NUMBER 1 nothing i repeat nothing in this game could be more important than a proper control of your characters, because if you cant control your party you just go and play other games... (and let all your friends on steam know that this sucked!!)

6.) roll dice roll dice roll dice, sure the dice should be rolled, but not 3 to 5 times in every conversation, HALF or even more of the dice rolls in the conversations that i went through in EA should be taken out.. when you cant chose the path that you have prepared for yourself in this RPG journey it defeats the feeling that you are playing your story, its like the devs intentionally force you to play something else.

7.) There is no Minsc and boo, im not attracted to characters, (maybe gale but after he started eating items he went to camp) the priest girl has some useless stealth spells which i never use and she is a bad person, the moment i find other clerick i will execute her where she stands. Wyll looked awesome in the beggining but this whole rapier stuff and nickname blade of the frontier and u know what he just stands on top of cliff and spams 1 force spell, fkn blade of frontier...Astarian is sarcastic gay or a bisexcual ? other than that i have nothing to say about him... there is one character that really stood out of this shitty crowd its the druid Helsin!! he looked awesome and justisful and if he was a companion that would be really cool.

7b) i heard from the code of the game that you plan on making characters be any class , as i said before this cant be baldurs gate. roll 6 clerics T_T ??? (as a rule of thumb try to stay away from most of the things you did in divinity) baldurs gate doesnt want those things..

8.) No day and night cycle, sucks.. Lets just say you add a day night cycle only for stealth checks, that would be enough... ahh to hell at least add it just for the cosmetics... When i was saving people from the burning house, i used cleric rain spell and it extingueshed flames and then they came back almost immedeately... So if its raining outside it doesnt have to affect fireballs or leave water ponds around. just add night and weather for cosmetics..

9.) Loot.. When you kill a flaming fist they must drop plate armor, and absolutely awesome HELM, if you dont believe me ask anybody goddamn it anybody will tell you that flaming fist drop plate armor, ofcourse they do, they are not naked...There are some strange items which give spells like color spray, its more like divinity stuff, where every second third item was giving you some spells. but if there wont be a lot of them then maybe i guess it could be ok..

10.) None rpg001 of baldurs gate had turn based combat, they wont change it at all but like Fextralife on youtube said, when you fight a LOT of enemies at once, this fight take like 40 minutes.. and it sucks.. they will never change it but its another reason on the list that indicates this game is far from baldurs gate.

And dont forget im not talking about DND in general im talking exactly about B A L D U R S GATE, the idea of using famous name to rework existing engine and make new stories was great, and helps their advertising model, look how many people were hyped for this even STEAM servers were overloaded but goddamn it people if you can make this game more like baldurs gate and less like divinity please do so...

Just to chime in here and to make it clear before I post. Just responding to the OP's. Not the 3 pages worth of replies that are here already.

Please dont talk on my behalf? Half of these things I have no issue with or are actuall mechanics from 5E.

1: You arent playing the characters from BG2. You are playing new ones. So how is the spells from BG2 relevant? Some have dissapeared from the game or have changed over time. BG1 and 2 were based on 2nd ed and this game is based on 5th ed.
2: Aside from 1 subclass of Sorcerer no wizard or sorcerer should be able to cast all divine spells. Non spellcasters also able to cast spells from scrolls should also go away. Got an entire party of spellcasters mind so dident run into that one yet.
3: Fair point to bring up. I dont know Larian's stance on it but Baldurs gates were all 6 man. That said, the generic party size for DND is 4 people. Parties can be bigger mind you so it isent a reason to restrict the game to 4 people. Agree on that.
4: They used the point buy system for BG3. And lets be honest, in baldurs gate 1 and 2 you could just keep rerolling until you had at least 3 stats in 18 and the rest very close to that. Playing flaws in pnp is fun but in baldurs it had no place. I feel that in Divinity the same applies so adding rolling as an option id appreciate. That said, the PC would be miles stronger then the NPC's though so im not to sure how good adding the option to roll would be.
5: High ground doesent give a guarrantee to hit. It gives advantage (which can come close to guarrantee tho). If you keep having low rolls though check if you arent suffering from debuffs or the enemy from buffs. If both apply then yea it can basicly turn your chance of succes into an almost guarranteed miss. In those cases it might be better to do things that cant miss or put you in a better position to do something next turn.
5b: Does standing behind your enemy give a bonus to hit? Thats... Good actually. Thats also a mechanic from 5E. Attacking someone who cant see you gives you (say it with me) advantage. Like I said though I have a full caster party but dident expect it to also be included in melee. Actually impressed by that! Jump is basicly disengage in combat. That said I feel it should be an action and not a bonus action.
6: Saw a few posts about this already and agree. Nettie when she poisons you in particular is.... an interesting encounter. Hope they tone it down.
7: Minsc and Boo are (some peoples) favourite. I love them but imo their stories were in bg 1 and 2. I agree that Larian's efforts can be better spend to make their own characters more enjoyable and likeable. I get that they want us to like evil characters to. But if they want us to like em, maybe not make half of them a bunch of arrogant A-holes?
7b: Think that code is for when you want to play one of the NPC's and want to swap class. I dislike this to and for some their class is a big part of their backstory. It would feel off if Gale was a fighter for example.
8: Agree that night and day (or some method of getting to that) would add to the game. Night time would be very beneficial for rogues and thieves and some shady people in bg would probably want to do their *ahem* business during the night.
9: Ok I half agree with you here. People should defenitly drop the gear that they are using. But some exceptions aside that seems to be the case? Likewise the scrolls that you speak off are part of dnd loot. Its a way for wizards to gain power and a way to get some easy gp for parties that dont include one. Wizards cant properly function without them though so they NEED to be in the game.
10: *sigh* im getting so sick and tired of people whining about turn based vs real time. You paused the game SO MUCH during the real time of bg1 and 2 that it might as well could have been turn based. Dnd rules are also turn based. Larian has experience with turn based games. Its mechanics are designed around turn based and some dnd 5E mechanics as well. It will remain turn based as far as im concerned.

And on your last unnumbered point. I agree that it feels to much like divinity atm. But its EA and if the previous games have been indication alot of things can (and probably will) change. We are giving them ltos of feedback to work with and im sure they will take it to heart.

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