Joined: Oct 2020
+1 If not possible, make it always rainy night instead of sunny in the first region :P
Last edited by largh; 13/10/20 02:08 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
I'm all for it. As I said elsewhere even a "mediocre" implementation would be better than nothing. I know Larian already said this featue is out of the question, but in the ideal land of milk, honey and dreams I'd take it.
Joined: Oct 2020
I posted on another Thread discussing a similar topic to which I've replied. I'm simply going to quote my response here as it's the same issue basically and feel like it could potentially work to add a bit of extra atmosphere to the game. Though, now that I think about it, I remember actually seeing this in the game when moving from the Grove to the Forest, for example. It's just a bit more subtle. Is it just a visual thing? Or does it affect gameplay? Light influences how we perceive things. Those vampire encounters on a graveyard in BG2 were epic because they took place in the night. Comparable graveyard scene in D:OS2 was not memorable because it took place in the middle of the day or at least you would not have to time it and wait for the night. I see what you mean and I agree with you on that. Lighting and effects can certainly enhance the mood and atmosphere. One way they could implement this feature would be through post-processing effects. I'm a huge Guild Wars fan and I grew up with that game and, because every map was its own instance, they didn't feel the need to implement a day/night cycle. Instead, they added these small post-processing effects throughout parts of the map, so that upon entering that area the sky would change to appear darker/brighter, red/green, etc., simulating the effects of day/night cycle or weather and enhancing the overall atmosphere. The feeling you got when all of a sudden the sky turned dark with clouds and in front of you appeared a skeleton necromancer was palpable. It's not an expensive feature and I think this could work in BG3 as a workaround.
Last edited by Raiyan; 13/10/20 02:22 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I think the visual effects would be easier to make. A functional day and night cycle for towns folk (and maybe enemies and wildlife) would consume more time: How would it effect quests, encounters and mechanics ? Can you steal thinks easier at night from sleeping npcs, from drunk npcs? Can you get quests from people sleeping in their bed or will they call the guards an in Skyrim? (Are there even enough beds for all the npcs?) How are they moving during the day? Can you influence the weather with spells?
Don't get me wrong I really would like it and I think it would improve the game (better immersion, more ways to solve quests).
Joined: Oct 2020
And it's impactful in terms of gameplay, too. Wait until nightfall to infiltrate a camp of diurnal creatures or creep through a city unnoticed. Wait for daytime to explore a graveyard with a low-level party. One place can be wildly different during the day and during the night. Breath of the Wild had a great weather system, though of course it's a very different type of game. Indeed
Joined: Oct 2020
The more I play this game the more I believe it's been let down by Larian trying to merge DOS into D&D. Imagine what they could have done with those extra resources if they just stuck with 5e.
Joined: Mar 2020
Its strange that 10 years ago they could make night day cycle and on the new super duper engine of Larian they cant...
Joined: Jul 2014
Its strange that 10 years ago they could make night day cycle and on the new super duper engine of Larian they cant... Don't be fooled. In terms of dynamic lighting etc Larian's artists and programmers could probably have the feature working in matter of days. It's the scripting part (having NPCs doing different things or being in different place on day or night) that would take most of the work and that they don't seem to be willing to embark into.
Joined: Feb 2020
+1 and I think many players would enjoy that... (Reddit poll before the EA begins) https://www.reddit.com/r/baldursgat..._medium=android_app&utm_source=shareBut I don't really know how they could handle that because it looks like there is no time management in their games exept a on/off mode. Time just doesn't exist and every time related things use tricks (i.e "after the 10th long rest", "after this quest"). Not really sure they can even add something related to real time but anyway, I don't really know how that works. Weather and D/N cycle would be awesome and would add a GREAT value to such a game. This is one of the biggest things I'd love them to work on during the EA.
Last edited by Maximuuus; 14/10/20 09:06 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Has anything regarding this been said? I think it was a pretty neat thing in previous games, day and night changing things like creatures who are present, affecting races, skills, items etc.
DoS2 was obviously built without this, but I think it has a much more important conotation in dnd.
However I am sure it is a big deal to work this through - stealth for example is based on cast shadows, so depending on how the team implemented light/shadow detection.
Based on that, I find it likely that Larian's decision on this had already been established, if not announced.
Joined: Jun 2014
Yes, they said they couldn't be bothered so not gonna implement it
Joined: Oct 2020
Has anything regarding this been said? I think it was a pretty neat thing in previous games, day and night changing things like creatures who are present, affecting races, skills, items etc.
DoS2 was obviously built without this, but I think it has a much more important conotation in dnd.
However I am sure it is a big deal to work this through - stealth for example is based on cast shadows, so depending on how the team implemented light/shadow detection.
Based on that, I find it likely that Larian's decision on this had already been established, if not announced. Too much work - I'd rather have content. You can go into the Underdark if you don't like sunlight 
Joined: Apr 2020
I hope they revisit the idea now they have even more funding.
It enhances the immersion, plus stories are more dramatic at night.
Joined: Oct 2020
Day/night cycles are already an incredible workload for just one, somewhat big, map. Considering the fact that this game is going to be absolutely huge, with a lot of different places to visit, implementing day/night cycles is a whole lot of work for something that's not really important to the gameplay.
Joined: Apr 2020
Day/night cycles are already an incredible workload for just one, somewhat big, map. Considering the fact that this game is going to be absolutely huge, with a lot of different places to visit, implementing day/night cycles is a whole lot of work for something that's not really important to the gameplay. Many huge games have D/N cycle. Immersion is something that should not be dismissed in a RPG. I think this is where Larian needs to improve.
Joined: Oct 2020
Day/night cycles are already an incredible workload for just one, somewhat big, map. Considering the fact that this game is going to be absolutely huge, with a lot of different places to visit, implementing day/night cycles is a whole lot of work for something that's not really important to the gameplay. It is of outmost importance, bandits , vampire's and ghost show up at night, Vampire's get huge buffs while at nigh. Nights from tactical perspective are of outmost importance as shadows and the darkness make it much harder to hit and see you for sneaking past. Even for RP and Infiltraten nights are of outmost importance. Weather effects are also need and the benefits and drawbacks of rain and thunder The only reason why they don't do it its because they want force that crappy under dark and surface world in one map thing. To bad a loading screen for the under dark and surface world will be necessary to keep them separated as apparently is to hard for the devs cant be bothered to do there programing job. Oh boi let us show two absolutely different environments together one of eternal darknes and one of eternal light, nobody will ever notice that its not raining never gets dark. I am sorry but this utter terrible game design. Only because nobody could figure out how to make multiplier related loading screens and mechanics for different biomes and environments. Drop the MP part or over work it I dont care about loading screens, they are welcome bathroom brake.
Last edited by xMardeRx; 14/10/20 01:39 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
Didn't BG1 and BG2 have day night cycles and weather?? It even influenced events, quests, some spells etc...Remember that vampire only came out at night in the graveyard, the ghost boy, guards asking why your out so late, different random encounters, the fences of Athkatla who work for the Shadow Thieves, come out with their fancy magical goods, too  . Kind of a big deal not having this kind of BG stuff in. Instead we have cinematic dialogue with dicerolls...I guess.
Last edited by mr_planescapist; 14/10/20 02:15 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Twould be nice if they'd take the extra scripting effort to have day\night cycles. Would help the world feel more immersive.
Joined: Oct 2020
In BG2 It even influenced events, quests, stats, some spells etc...Remember that vampire only came out at night in the graveyard, the ghost boy, guards asking why your out so late, different types of random encounters, the fences of Athkatla who work for the Shadow Thieves, come out with their fancy magical goods, Jan busy growing turnips  Kind of a big deal not having this kind of BG stuff in. Instead we have camping and cinematic dialogue with dicerolls ...
Last edited by mr_planescapist; 14/10/20 02:41 PM.