So my real main argument here is camp is supposedly the place where you are really going to get that one on one time with your party to learn more about them. Or at least this is how i feel it is currently designed to be.

We learn about wizard guys(forgetting his name) issue in camp, why not learn about this when we come across an artifact he wants to eat.

So the same valid point can be made for Astarion sure we find the boar he eats but we dont exactly know its him. I dont think him leaving the party would work nor the blood drunkness because im honestly not sure what that even means...and how you can tell what even that is.

I think catching him in the act is the best way to find out about his situation. Now i think they could have him munching on a bird when you get back from camp or a boar as he specifically states he feasts on animals, if i recall the dialog correctly. Whatever it is though it needs to happen at the camp in my opinion.