Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by pincup
I'm content with 4 companions, someone at Reddit summed it up nicely, though judging by responses there is lots of die hard fans of 6 members and no matter arguments everyone against them will hit a wall smile so why bother. 4 that's the number

Well, a GOOD argument for four would go a long way.
Too bad there can't be anything else than half-hearted bullshit arguments for it, because we aren't talking about guessing randomly and taking a stab in the dark, here.

People who want a six-men party already played games that had them, have solid reasons to think it's better than the alternative and have tested their expectations in reality over and over across the years.

So when the "modern game designer" who watched five episodes of Gamemaker's Toolkit on youtube comes in, winks at you and tell you knowingly "Trust me, you don't really want a party of six, that would mess up TEH PERFECT BALANCE" he can't really expect anything more than being welcomed with loud burps.

I doubt that. I'm pretty sure some good arguments were already posted and similar to Reddit, those arguments were downvoted to oblivion smile . Personally, ,if 4 provides deep companion relationship, be it cutscenes with companions breaking in, rich dialogue options, etc. but 6 would not, then the choice is simple for me - 4.

And why 6 would not? running business revolves around money but everyone seems to forget about that, maybe you are just too young laugh
but again, 4 is just perfect for deep companion relationship

Last edited by pincup; 14/10/20 04:38 PM.