Joined: Feb 2018
I've only done the "Tiefling camp party" once, and with a 19CHA character. So I am *very* attractive... That said, if this isn't directly associated with my CHA (and even then...), these conversations are a bit awkward for a couple reasons.
1. It came out of nowhere. None of these companions had expressed any real interest in me prior to the party (none of the characters were above "medium" interest in me, most neutral). Now, admittedly, there are people who are like that. I think it fits Laezel's character perfectly. She doesn't really know how to express affection, so it would make sense that her wanting me came out of nowhere. Also it seems to fit Astarion as well. He's very forward, probably very sexually promiscuous, and that night he is drunk. But it doesn't really fit the other three. There should have been some build up. For example, to this point, my character knows literally nothing about Wyll because I've failed all conversation checks with trying to get him to open up. But now Wyll wants to bang me? Very weird.
2. I picked one to bang and the rest were all jealous without any instigation by me. This is sort of chaining off the "this came out of nowhere" point, but it was weird that after I picked one the game had the rest of them congratulate me on what I thought was a private conversation, and do so in a way that made it seem as if they wished it were them. Some came right and said they wished it were them. Again, I think Laezel's character insisting she would go bang Astarion instead of me fits her really well. It's just weird that all 5 of them wanted me this badly after I've made zero affectionate comments at any of them.
Joined: Oct 2020
I believe this was brought up as a bug previously, but it's fairly rare; I haven't had it happen to myself.
From what I read, it just makes all of your companions jump you at the same time like that. Not sure what causes it.
Joined: Oct 2020
I've only done the "Tiefling camp party" once, and with a 19CHA character. So I am *very* attractive... That said, if this isn't directly associated with my CHA (and even then...), these conversations are a bit awkward for a couple reasons.
1. It came out of nowhere. None of these companions had expressed any real interest in me prior to the party (none of the characters were above "medium" interest in me, most neutral). Now, admittedly, there are people who are like that. I think it fits Laezel's character perfectly. She doesn't really know how to express affection, so it would make sense that her wanting me came out of nowhere. Also it seems to fit Astarion as well. He's very forward, probably very sexually promiscuous, and that night he is drunk. But it doesn't really fit the other three. There should have been some build up. For example, to this point, my character knows literally nothing about Wyll because I've failed all conversation checks with trying to get him to open up. But now Wyll wants to bang me? Very weird.
2. I picked one to bang and the rest were all jealous without any instigation by me. This is sort of chaining off the "this came out of nowhere" point, but it was weird that after I picked one the game had the rest of them congratulate me on what I thought was a private conversation, and do so in a way that made it seem as if they wished it were them. Some came right and said they wished it were them. Again, I think Laezel's character insisting she would go bang Astarion instead of me fits her really well. It's just weird that all 5 of them wanted me this badly after I've made zero affectionate comments at any of them. Based on the type of dialogue option you choose when talking to your companions, they will flirt with you. For example, when I was having a conversation with Shadowheart about killing each if we can't get the tadpole out of our head. I chose the option of tying her up until I can find a cure and after the conversation she responds with "Try not to think too much about tying me up." That was her flirting. Also, Gale shows he cares about your character especially after Nettie poisons you. Gale gets extremely pissed off, which shows me he cares. Astarion is always the biggest flirt. Lae'zel acts tough but dialogue options, you get the hint that she has come to care about your character. As, for Wyll he also shows and interest but I haven't spoken to him too much. Taking all this into consideration it does make sense for them to get jealous if you choose someone over them.
Joined: Oct 2020
Same thing happened to me. It felt kind of rushed to be honest.
I mean just earlier that day they would barely say two words and then suddenly everyone is feeling horny lmao.
Last edited by Eddiar; 14/10/20 06:16 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Same thing happened to me. It felt kind of rushed to be honest.
I mean just earlier that day they would barely say two words and then suddenly everyone is feeling horny lmao. Apparently everyone you're with gets horny when they're drunk.
Joined: Oct 2020
Well, you know.... cold and lonely nights.  Clearly I haven't played too far yet - I so far seem to have annoyed almost everyone.  Later! SKP
Joined: Oct 2020
In my playthrough of the Early Access, I had the option of Lae'zel (Medium Relationship) and not Shadowheart (Neutral Relationship). I believe I was at Medium with Gale as well so there could have been an option there, I hadn't tried. Shadowheart said she wanted to enjoy her wine and made no hint at any sort of interest in anything romantic, but I think after you make a choice you can effectively ask any other companion if they're "jealous".
Either way this likely needs a bit of fine tuning and could even possibly be a bug as Noraver said.
Last edited by Vile; 14/10/20 06:35 PM. Reason: Spelling Errors
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
More importantly, why dont you want to bang all of them?
What is the problem you are solving? Does your proposed change solve the problem? Is your change feasible? What else will be affected by your change? Will your change impact revenue? Does your change align with the goals and strategies of the organizations (Larian, WotC)?
Joined: Oct 2020
Bug or not, it was funny as hell. Lae'zel's reaction to me not choosing her had me in tears. 
Last edited by ReyDSwords; 14/10/20 06:25 PM.
Joined: Aug 2018
Perhaps your brain slug just happens to be the sexiest and most irresistable.
But yeah I do hope they tone down the whole romance stuff so it's not so easy to stumble into. It was one of the things I hated the most about Divinity.
Joined: Oct 2020
Yeah, that was a bit tio much, this should be limites tô those that have a relatively high approval of you at least, or those who you made advances or accepted an advance previously
Last edited by pgmoro; 14/10/20 06:26 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
More importantly, why dont you want to bang all of them? I would've if I could've  Also, completely unrelated, I think the brain slug is affecting my hormone levels 
Joined: Oct 2020
No matter what choices I've made or how high my charisma, I haven't actually managed to get any companions to romance me. Dialogue gets very suggestive, and then when I select the option of lets do this they're all like "yeah, nah.".
No matter what character I play, they end up as heartbroken as me.
Anything you can do, a bard can do better.
Joined: Oct 2020
Because you are the most osem and buitefull and handsome and cool and smart and intelligent and bets of the bestes and every one claps when they see you and crys out of joy and women drop there pantys just seeing you and get wet and and and and.
Shit writing, simpel as. My power fantasy says it is like that you are the center of the universes and all realms bla bla bla.
Like realy you could not make it worse, its like 10 year old did wirte the story.
Last edited by xMardeRx; 14/10/20 06:34 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Same thing happened to me. It felt kind of rushed to be honest.
I mean just earlier that day they would barely say two words and then suddenly everyone is feeling horny lmao. +1
Joined: Oct 2020
I think having more relationship-related dialogue options open up between you and your companions as you progress would be good. That way some flirting can happen between PC and party members before they want to jump in your bedroll with you. Maybe something similar to Fallout 4? Although I dislike the way flirt options are basically just a CHA check in FO4.
Joined: Oct 2020
I think having more relationship-related dialogue options open up between you and your companions as you progress would be good. That way some flirting can happen between PC and party members before they want to jump in your bedroll with you. Maybe something similar to Fallout 4? Although I dislike the way flirt options are basically just a CHA check in FO4. I rather advise to use areal RPG and good one as example like Fallout New Vegas. Thats how you write characters and romances.
Joined: Feb 2018
More importantly, why dont you want to bang all of them? I did my best to leave the door open with Laezel in the future. I believe this was brought up as a bug previously, but it's fairly rare; I haven't had it happen to myself.
From what I read, it just makes all of your companions jump you at the same time like that. Not sure what causes it. Seems like it's happened to a number of folks in this thread. Perhaps not all that rare...
Joined: Mar 2020
Sounds like a typical RPG romance. Everyone wants to bang a PC because reasons.
Obsidian tried to address the issue with complicated reputation system in PoE2, but it backfired tremendously. Made things worse rather then better.
Oddly enough BG2 still did it best IMO - romances had smooth progression, and due to few companions being romancable it didn’t feel like everyone wanted to get into PCs pants.
Joined: Oct 2020
In my gameplay Shadowheart was flirty because of some of my actions.
Like not giving up Aastarion and other random events like it in the druid camp. So I naturally just chose her but it was so odd that everyone in the camp was giving me the the googoo eyes even though I barely exchanged 10 words with them. Especially Gale.
And with the Tieflings being so happy and grateful there was no option to try to seduce one or two for some private fun time.
That would be far more believable than Gale's "u want sum fuk babe?" Line. Lol.