Originally Posted by Eddiar
Originally Posted by gabbyquail
How is describing my reaction to a scene reaching? It’s my experience. Providing feedback is what playtesters do.

The game allows you to kill him for his transgression.
The game is also rated mature and I don't understand why you want to censor this component of the game.

The game also includes, cannibalism, slavery and child murder...
None of them are very nice things and as the player you could do something about it.

So why are you unsatisfied?

To be fair, I don't think most people (in western countries/ main target group of the game) have a lot of personal experience with cannibalism, slavery, or getting their children killed. Being raped is more common for a female in our society than most people seem to think. If most people were traumatized by war these days, it's likely game developers wouldn't mainly make war ( or other serious fighting) games, because many people wouldn't want to play it. So I don't see the problem in giving feedback to game developers that rape isn't part of an enjoyable game for an audience (that may or may not be larger than you think. After all, if nobody is allowed to complain about it, how are others supposed to express their discomfort?) It's not like OP demanded in a rant they have to change it. I think they were giving pretty neutral feedback, given this is a topic that seems to seriously disturb them.

The point about the maturity rating: This rating merely indicates sex is part of the game. Maturity content is not the same as violent mature content, and therefore the rating isn't exactly telling you if it's content you feel safe with or not.