I like the idea, this could be a cool feature BUT about rest I think we have to ask ourselves the good questions...

What is the problem with resting actually ? Is it just too easy to exploit, so players exploit it ?

I don't think so...
I think the problem and the solution comes froms the reasons why players have/want to abuse the rest system. Not the system itself.

You rest to regain your spell slots / abilities and/or to heal your party.
If you have to rest for those same reasons + have to spend time going back to town to buy food before being able to rest... What do we solve ?
The exploit ? Yes... The problem ? No...

I know some players can cross the entire game without resting that much, depending their parties and the way they choose to play... But these players probably also exploit other things that don't really work atm, such as very powerfull cantrip and powerfull surfaces, buggy jump, food during combats, dipping...

Try to play the game as if you weren't a D&D 5e vet and as you would if you were not a tactical RPG vet... And you'll probably realise that resting is something players NEED atm.
Not convinced that this is exploit for the sake of exploit. Just look at the "death map" Larian posted in the last update^^

Last edited by Maximuuus; 14/10/20 07:06 PM.

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