Originally Posted by gabbyquail
Final post, and then I’ll let y’all get back to the dogpile 😂

I’m not offended, thx! Nor (obviously) do I have a problem with murderous goblins, M rated games, or the existence of fictional vampires. These all seem like straw-man arguments to me tbh, but let’s pretend they’re real.

The difference is in the intent of the scene. After I kicked Astarion out, Gith Lady suggested that I view what happened as equivalent to the other characters’ dark secrets. She was referring to his vampirism, which I could care less about. I didn’t kick dude out for being a vampire, I kicked him out for climbing on me in my sleep, which seems like a normal human reaction the writing didn’t account for.

If the intent of the scene was to force a possible confrontation, and the writers knew they were potentially squicking people out and felt it was worth it, that’s their business. In that case, I would agree that this game isn’t for me and bow out.

But I don’t think the writers took that into account. You could argue that they wouldn’t care about my reaction here, and there’s a 90% chance you’re right! But I see the potential for improvement, and I know for absolute sure that, passionate defenses of goblin atrocities aside, this is exactly the forum to raise such concerns.

How do I know? Because the creators literally asked for it 😂

How you draw a connection between any of this and censorship is beyond me, folks, but the internet is a wild place. Enjoy it!

I meanm you created said dogpile, so it's kind of your fault, isn't it?