There's a few answers here worth noting because, it might shock you, but in a setting as old as forgotten realms, there are actually some answers here.
Ok first of all, the scrolls are more a player aide then anything, no revivify spell exists in D&D. now resurection spells exist, but they're EXPENSIVE. (as in the material components to cast them are pricy)
A ressurection spell is a 7th level spell (meaning you'd need a 13th level Cleric the nearest one of which is proably baldur's gate) and a true ressurection spell (which could easily be ruled to be nesscary to removing "lingering magical curse effects") costs 25,0000 gold. In addition the soul must be willing to come back, what if the only cleric avaliable is a cleric of selune? think Shadowhearts going to jump to return if she hears that "A cleric of selune wishes to return you to the Material plane"? there are a LOT of other factions. suffice to say "ohh just kill our chars and ressurect them" has a LOT of flaws.