So...I felt rest/food/heals felt pretty damn balanced. What exactly is the problem? Plenty of food available so you can heal after fights, no need to chain rest(higher difficulties will probably limit how often and where you can rest, so there has to be a way for everyone to heal)
Cleric healing was best used as a quick pickup of a downed character than to actually top off anyone. Plenty of healing potions for in or out of combat health, maybe 5-10 too many light healing potions, but I guess that depends on people’s skill level on normal.

None of the ‘trash mob’ fights required spells, most not even game knowledge to beat. Some of the boss fights did, some didn’t, and all had multiple ways to get an advantage from the start just Incase fornwhatever reason you needed some help.

I’m at some point going to write up a fight by fight review, but honestly they’ve knocked it out of the park with atleast 90% of these encounters. This isn’t a Faceroll game meant for a phone, this is DND and dice don’t care.