Joined: Mar 2020
Seems to me we were having a rather polite and casual discussion about Drows ... and suddenly you come up with a poetically brutal bunch of insults. Nothing here was remotely close to "sjw" or paranoia nor very defensive. It does not really matter, I agree, as whatever wild color you give your Drow in your private video game, it does not change Forgotten Realms lore. Glad you got to feel superior here, but all in all, you just threw insults without any actual justification to. I would rather the insults stay on Steam and Reddit.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm very much in favour of making drow NPCs actually dark-skinned, but jet black isn't the only option lore-wise. Dark grey, black and bluish black are all fine. Right now it's hard to distinguish between a drow and a half-drow.
In general, I think lore colour palettes should be more restricted. It's a great idea to make all colours available for custom characters, but lore-friendly should be just that - lore-friendly. Not much sense making a lore palette that allows some crazy colours, when they can be accessed by "show all" anyway. This would also teach new players about the world a little. As of now, they might think a lilac or light grey drow is perfectly respresentative of its kind.
Joined: Oct 2020
God, the level of buttherd nerds on these forums is astounding. This is why D&D and TTRPGs were such a public joke for decades; virulently fragile gatekeeping men-children that think every change is some “sjw” plot out to spite them right in their virginity.
There are plenty of color options right now to suit 95/100 depictions of a drow that have ever existed, and if that's still not enough then some puritan will make a mod for it eventually. Well put. There are many depictions in the PHB and others of Drow having paler skin than jet black, despite the description. To be this angry about it...says something.
Joined: Mar 2020
(... removed past quotes/insults to make shorter) Well put. There are many depictions in the PHB and others of Drow having paler skin than jet black, despite the description. To be this angry about it...says something. What indicates anyone here was angry ? Why is it justified to insult on these forums if you write it poetically or with flare ? And what does it say (your judgement) about the player who thinks Drows should not be violet or red ? Is he/she being a black Drow supremacist ? I was not the OP, but I don't accept unfounded judgements, inference, insults. The OP, by the way, never responded. So his/her said anger is a projection. Personally, I like that we can choose any of all the colors offered for any D&D race (i.e. there is a All Color button). It does not matter if you were to choose to play a red Drow for example, as it is your private game. I double checked the default color palette for Drows and... I think it is fine. Can players express themselves here about the other colors available currently for x race without being judged or inferring god knows what intent ? The OP thought Drows were only black and does not deserve to be judged for posting on these forums. Case closed.
Last edited by Baraz; 14/10/20 01:16 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
What indicates anyone here was angry. Not that I really want to resurrect this thread, but the third post down clearly posits that the color options are "political BS". - Anger? no, but a clear trend. My personal annoyance/intense exasperation is because this was maybe the 4th or 5th thread I had read in that hour in which someone somewhere implied, either vaguely or explicitly, that Larian was ruining the game/D&D to be "politically correct". I’ve seen the term “sjw” used unironically a dozen times at least in threads lamenting how the females aren’t pretty enough or don’t adequately fawn over the player, or they're too "mean" and agressive, or about how you can play a female with a beard, or use a female voice set on a male character, etc etc. It’s an ongoing thing on the forums at this point and this topic just happened to be the proverbial straw that evening.
Last edited by Panicintrinsica; 14/10/20 11:05 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
They are just giving us the same options that pretty much every illustrator has used for just about every book cover with a Drow on it. I mean just look at all the Drizzt's out there...
Jeff Easley got him with Blue-Gray skin
Brom and Lockwood had him Purple
Elmore's got him looking all jaundiced and basically Yellow
There are only a few here and there that go full underdark, but even there its usually when he's got his hood up full body shot heheh.
Jet-Black sounds cool as a descriptor, but doesn't translate all that well visually if you're trying to show the forms in 3 dimensions. Minthara is definitely more purple than ebon here, same deal for the default Drow "Who do you dream of?" first option. I agree though the defaults highlighted when you first open the skin tone screen should probably be a little darker on the color scales for Drow characters.
ps. Justin Sweet had the best run I think IWD2. Those are still among the most popular floating around, and closer to the black you're looking for I think. Still its been going down even in this game when you look at Viconia. In addition to making her more classically attractive in the sequel, they lightened her skin from a dark purple, to a light blue. Just kinda the way it looks now in the popular renderings.
This. I couldn't put it better. Think about graphism and form read. Do you want a character whose skin repel light and make the form a flat black? No. Also understand that there is no pure black in nature. There are only very dark colours, and at the darkest, absence of light. This is not the same as having a pure, flat black character walking in the sunlight.
If it's what it's takes to save the world, then the world doesn't deserves to be saved - Geralt
Joined: Apr 2020
Hey, you play the game the way you want and I play it to have fun. If fun mean I choosea purple skin... so be it.
Besides, did you ever think that the studio is trying to attract a larger player base unfamiliar with the game? That's how the studio makes money, you know.
Keep it going Larian and don't let these narrow minded individuals ruin a wonderful game.
Joined: Mar 2020
What indicates anyone here was angry. Not that I really want to resurrect this thread, but the third post down clearly posits that the color options are "political BS". - Anger? no, but a clear trend. My personal annoyance/intense exasperation is because this was maybe the 4th or 5th thread I had read in that hour in which someone somewhere implied, either vaguely or explicitly, that Larian was ruining the game/D&D to be "politically correct". I’ve seen the term “sjw” used unironically a dozen times at least in threads lamenting how the females aren’t pretty enough or don’t adequately fawn over the player, or they're too "mean" and agressive, or about how you can play a female with a beard, or use a female voice set on a male character, etc etc. It’s an ongoing thing on the forums at this point and this topic just happened to be the proverbial straw that evening. OK. I imagined that is probably why you reacted... I don't think it was the case here, but I can understand being annoyed by the white frustrations, male/female whining, etc. I avoid responding to those, so they die off in the flow. :P you play the game the way you want and I play it to have fun. If fun mean I choose a purple skin... so be it. ....
Yep. +1
Last edited by Baraz; 14/10/20 11:46 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
That's why it's supposed to be a suggestion ( no matter how stupid it could seem to you ) not an obligation, but it seems an army of goons stills get mad at threads like these when it's just something they can fully ignore when they don't care about it. Why suggest anything at all if everyone is just going to try and bring down threads with snide comments? Seems pretty one sided to me.
Last edited by JDCrenton; 14/10/20 11:43 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I was a bit confused by how they looked more like moon elves.
I know those aren't a thing in 5e for some odd reason, move towards more generic setting maybe, but you can easily make a Moon Elf looking Drow. Which is a plus? I think? Moon elves are still a thing in 5e. The picture in the Player's Handbook beside high elves' description is of one with short, dark hair and blue skin. They just don't differentiate between moon and sun elves in the stat block, and just call both "high elves." Many of the skin tone options in BG3 for high elves are even labeled as "moon elf _." [img] https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/f...5e.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140914062603[/img] More on topic with the original poster's statements, though... As people have already pointed out, drow have always had *some* variation in their skin shades and giving it blue or purple undertones has been pretty common in visual media. And as of 5E, several drow in official Wizards of the Coast productions, like Jarlaxle on the cover of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, have looked very hard to distinguish from moon elves. [img] https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/f...st.png/revision/latest?cb=20190414092756[/img]
Joined: Mar 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
Ok, now we get drow SJWs. Man, this is getting silly. Tanks for letting us know you're trash.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm glad that we can unlock skin/eye/hair colors for characters. I wanted a half drow, but couldn't get the combo of skills I wanted. So I use a wood elf template for my "Half Drow" ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/nDEuDXH.jpg)
Joined: Oct 2020
The OP thought Drows were only black and does not deserve to be judged for posting on these forums. Case closed.
Yet the OP was wrong by claiming that Lore says Drow are only jet black. Anyone who's actually read the lore knows this is not the case. When someone makes a claim that is easily disprovable within a 2 minute google search, they open their "opinion" up to valid criticism. People are naturally going to question their motive behind it, and it doesn't make matters any better for the OP, when we have people agreeing with the OP, then going further by stating Larian is an "SJW" for allowing a variety of options.
Last edited by SinisterDeath; 15/10/20 03:40 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I similarly did Yuan-ti by way of Wood Elf.
errrg.... I can never get the img thing to work
Last edited by Thrythlind; 15/10/20 03:55 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I honestly just want ebony drow because I don't like the tint of the other options and it doesn't seem like asking a lot.
Joined: Mar 2020
I honestly just want ebony drow because I don't like the tint of the other options and it doesn't seem like asking a lot. Have you tried the All Colors button ? I do not know if the ebony you are looking is there : just checking if you noticed the option.
Last edited by Baraz; 15/10/20 04:00 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I honestly just want ebony drow because I don't like the tint of the other options and it doesn't seem like asking a lot. Have you tried the All Colors button ? I do not know if the ebony you are looking is there : just checking if you noticed the option. Sadly I have and it is not.
Joined: Oct 2020
I honestly just want ebony drow because I don't like the tint of the other options and it doesn't seem like asking a lot. Have you tried the All Colors button ? I do not know if the ebony you are looking is there : just checking if you noticed the option. Sadly I have and it is not. It probably won't be. There's a history of true black being really hard to pull off in any way that looks good on CRPGs.
Joined: Aug 2020
I can't imagine jet black looking decent in-game. As it is, I tried to make a darker drow with the more grayish undertone and it seemed like the character's skin turned into oily plastic. I played a fair amount into the game before I just couldn't take it anymore; in cutscenes, it looked too shiny, but also flat and doll-like. It's similar with some of the more outlandish colors (the really bright reds, for example). You lose any of the nuance of the skin textures. I imagine it's some kind of shading limitation or I don't know. Call me Lore-Killer, because I left feedback, re-rolled my drow with Ash 4 or 5 instead of 7, and moved on looking fabulous.
I say that like it was quick, but I admit I actually tried out nearly all of the drow tones to see how they appeared in cutscenes. Someone at Larian was probably very concerned for how often I was back in character creator, and I can now get through tutorial mode in a friggin' blink. No one will ask me about the differences between Dusk and Ash, but I know. I know.
The more purpley ones, Wisteria/Amethyst, definitely look much better than the gray tones at skintone 7+ so, yeah, I find it unlikely that jet black would somehow be better than the grays. It'd be flat and fake looking. Sorry to kill The Dream.