Joined: Oct 2020
Case in point firebolt having a smaller damage die, but causing things to burn. So it's 1d6 now vs. 1d10 a difference of a 1d4. It's a slight buff I've not seen any massive numbers off of burning normally within the 1d4 range. The flame also doesn't last long usually 2 rounds, which is 12 seconds D&D time. on average your still only getting 4 extra damage on an enemy. Since the burn doesnt stack, then your next firebolt will still only be 1d6 worth of damage. plus on average an extra 4.
If they simply stuck with a nongraphical games listing of spell effects then it would be boring. I know DM's that house rules things like using fire in a forest has a chance of starting a fire. It adds more realism, and consequences to the game. Makes you think, instead of going murder hobo all the time.
I think the buff to firebolt is massive. It often applies damage three times to the same target. They get hit and ignited. And when they move, they get ignited again. Not only that, but you still apply damage when you miss in most cases. Ray of frost combining a trip with decent damage is also a massive buff. And I don't think the surfaces add any realism. Getting shot in the chest by a frostray, and suddenly slipping on ice seems weird. The same goes for the cobblestone beneath your feet getting ignited from you being hit by a fire. I don't mind stuff like grease being set on fire by flames though. Many a player would ask their GM if they could do such a thing.
Last edited by Ascorius; 12/10/20 06:35 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Familiars in BG3 have an attack. This is not the case in PHB unless you are a Chains warlock. And for Pact of the Chain, it's "Additionally, when you take the Attack action, you can forgo one of your own attacks to allow your familiar to make one attack with its reaction."
Joined: Oct 2020
01. Mage Hand requires Concentration(it does NOT in the PHB), but it can also now shove/interact with enemies (which it couldn't do in the P&P version). ~ (So buffed and balanced against said buff?)
02. Firebolt is now 1D6 + A chance to catch fire instead of 1D10 (Might be considered a slight Buff).
03. Ray Of Frost now creates an ice surface that can knock enemies prone (Buffed)
04. Acid Splash has been changed to an AOE attack that reduces AC by 2 (a considerable buff).
To be perfectly honest the list could end here and the system would still be insanely divergent from 5E. Entries in the Cantrip class of Actions were thoroughly playtested and their specific designs are integral to the balance across all Action +hit and +dmg modifiers in 5E. Cantrips are considered overpowered by a majority of the playerbase even without these additions as they increase the presence of caster classes even before they traditionally overtake martial classes with the insane utility of 4th level and higher spells.
Joined: Oct 2020
There's also spell ranges. Eldritch Blast now has some range as Acid Splash.
Class features. No expertise for rogues. Cunning action nerfed to dash only.
Joined: Oct 2020
*BUMP!* Will go through everyone's posts when I have a minute and add more to the list.
"Old time love song will die so swiftly. You never trust me- For a while it was nice, but it's time to say bye....
I'm cold, you're so cold- You're so cold, you're so cold- No-no-no, cold, you're so cold...."
Joined: Oct 2020
Push is a bonus action instead of an action.
Last edited by Alon Binyamin; 12/10/20 11:50 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
A few relatively minor, racial changes: - Halflings don't seem to get Halfling Nimbleness (though that is because it probably isn't too relevant in the CRPG)
- Lightfoot Halflings now get Stealth proficiency rather than Advantage when hiding behind larger creatures.
- The Half-Elf optional subraces have entirely replaced the PHB Half-elf (who got 2 free-choice skill proficiencies instead of Mark of the wild or the High-Elf Cantrip).
- Similarly Drow are an Elven subrace (and to be honest I can't see any good reason why they have decided to change that - Both Seldarine Drow and Lolth-Sworn appear to be identical so it can't be just so that they could have separate Drow subraces).
- Human's are accurate as far as I can tell, but are missing the Human variant option. I don't think I have actually seen anyone use the standard PHB Human in game (it's not banned or anything, just not used).
Joined: Jun 2014
Firebolt is considerably buffed because of the way it works now, I don't know if it's just because I've been having good luck or something, but in my experience it always applies burn and it burns right away, as well as at the start of their turn, on top of causing damage because they take more damage when they move out of the fire surface. I'm hoping this is just a bug and that it won't give burn damage right away or cause damage for moving out of that tiny pool of fire.
I believe the Sleep spell has been changed, because in the PHB it says "This spell sends creatures into a magical slumber. Roll 5d8; the total is how many hit points of creatures this spell can affect. Creatures within 20 feet of a point you choose within range are affected in ascending order of their current hit points (ignoring unconscious creatures)." while I believe the way it works in BG3 is that it puts creatures up to a predetermined HP amount to sleep. Could be wrong on this one, been a while since I looked at sleep in BG3, will check and edit if needed. Firebolt is actually underpowered as the AoE damage doesn't scale.
Joined: Oct 2020
- Offhand attacks can be made without making a mainhand attack with another light weapon first. - Object interactions are unlimited. (can switch from bow, shoot, to dual weild - offhand attack, to sword and board, all in one round) - Stealth does not require a roll if you are heavily obscured, and it is possible even when only lightly obscured, whereas in PHB you MUST be heavily obscured in order to even attempt to hide. - Shove does not allow you to push people prone, and it has a much greater shoving distance. - Falling prone on your turn ends your turn and no actions can be taken while prone. - Enemies make saves vs hold person at the start of their turn, and can then take actions after. A huge nerf ot the spell. - Invisibility does not allow you to target the enemy with single target attacks - in PHB invisiblity just gives you disadvantage, but unless they are hhiding you should still be aware of their location and be able to make attacks against them, so long as it is not a spell that requires you to see the opponent. - Spells no longer use components, aside from verbal - which all spells now use. - Invoke duplicity now serves as nothing but a distraction. - Mirror image has been majorly nerfed to now provide +3 ac per duplicate, and you lose one of the clones each time an enemy misses you, rather than each time you are hit and the attack is deflected to a copy. - Colour spray now works against a fixed number of hp liek the sleep spell. - The sleep spell has a much shorter duration. - Offhand attacks automatically grant your ability score modifier to damage. - Thief gets an extra bonus action for its fast hands ability, as opposed to being able to use objects as a bonus action. And it can use this e xtra bonus action to make a second offhand attack. - Thief gets resistance to falling damage instead of no penalty to climbing speed. - Arcane trickster no longer gets mage hand + 2 cantrips, instead they just get 2 cantrips. - The help action now restores a downed character to 1hp rather than providing advantage. - Jumping now requires a bonus action, and has been tied to disengage, - You cannot move through friendly spaces (unless you jump over them). - False life now gives a flat 5 temporary hp, rather than 2d6 (a nerf) - Dancing lights now requires concentration. - No cover rules have been implemented (aside form full cover) - Sacred flame ignores full cover. - The GWM and sharpshooter feat have been combined - heavy crossbows now coutn as heavy weapons and work with great weapon master, but sharpshooter feat has been removed.
Joined: Sep 2017
When you get the same proficiency from multiple sources (for instance, Stealth from Lightfoot Halfling and Urchin Background), you should get a free pick of a skill instead - but in BG3 you basically "lose" a proficiency via the overlap.
Joined: Oct 2020
When you get the same proficiency from multiple sources (for instance, Stealth from Lightfoot Halfling and Urchin Background), you should get a free pick of a skill instead - but in BG3 you basically "lose" a proficiency via the overlap. That's not a difference between BG3 and PHB. Yes it is. PHB specifically states: "If a character would gain the same proficiency from two different sources, he or she can choose a different proficiency of the same kind (skill or tool) instead."
Last edited by praxidicae; 12/10/20 01:49 PM. Reason: Edited due to a reference to a post I made in a different conversation as having been in this conversation
Joined: Oct 2020
I stand corrected, thanks for teaching me something. Jsut played another fight so got a couple more notes: - Opportunity attacks by players that are dual weilding attack twice. - Bane is currently granting disadvantage to attacks rather than -1d4 (porbably a bug) - The unconcious condition gives attackers 100% chance to hit - The evocation schools spell sculpting does not seem to work (probably bugged) - The abjuration schools arcane ward doesn't seem to do anything.. though the description says it only has 3hp anyway which is pitiful compared to phb. - Upcasting armour of agathys currently increases the tmp hp but not the damage (looks like a bug) - There seems to be no way to willingly end concentration early except for casting another concentration spell. - Weight capacity has been changed to 10lb per point in str rather than 15, but encumbereance currently has no effect in game.
Last edited by Muldeh; 12/10/20 03:05 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
- Sleep only lasts for 1 round I believe? (While its 1 min in the PHB). But most spells have duration changed. Shield of faith for example lasts until rest I believe (10 min in the PHB).
adding back the durations would help with the need to sleep, as i played i think 5 hours without camping once with ease. things to maybe add: -Something to think about, i understand why its not used, but spell components and ammo would be nice. -adding str option to intimidation. -the inability to have familiar and animal companion out at the same time. If someone wants to play a pet class let them go all out.
Last edited by Lord Branches; 12/10/20 10:44 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
-Creatures have disadvantage to hit any targets 5 or more feet above them, regardless of their size or level of cover (applies to weapon and spell attacks) -Creatures have advantage to hit any targets 5 or more feet below them (applies to weapon and spell attacks) -Spells that target saving throws cannot be used on creatures above you to bypass disadvantage, a "Too High" indicator is provided, there is no indication how high "Too High" is -All ranged spells and abilities seem to have the same 60 foot range -Ranged weapons can hit targets further away with increased elevation Demonstration of height system: https://i.imgur.com/ENQEFrM.jpgIn this screenshot, my character has disadvantage to hit an enormous flying angry balloon who is 9 feet above me, because he is 9 feet above me.
Last edited by override367; 12/10/20 10:38 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
-Creatures have disadvantage to hit any targets 5 or more feet above them, regardless of their size or level of cover (applies to weapon and spell attacks)
-Ranged weapons can hit targets further away with increased elevation
all spells seem to be that way, even dc saves spells.
Joined: Oct 2020
Please add Silence...
Silence is BROKEN. 1) Silence only seams to affect the Players; - Enemies are able to cast - Harpies can sing whether they are in the area or the players are in the area - Goblins can still beat a war drum to draw other into a fight while in a silenced area
I thought Silence meant no sound in our out, Otherwise this should be renamed to "Player Duct Tape" as the only this it does is affect the PCs ability to cast vocal spells.
Joined: Oct 2020
Right now there's only really one option for a Beast Master, since Larian has decided to drastically deviate from 5e rules (shocker). You have a choice between 0 CR beasts (Raven with 1 HP, WTF) to a 1 CR über spider beast companion.
5e rules for ranger companion: It's has a 1/4 CR or lower. Medium size or smaller. Add your proficiency bonus to their AC, attack and damage rolls. Also add your proficiency bonus to skills and saves they're proficient in. And their HP total is their normal max total, or 4 times your level, whichever is higher.
Larian ignores virtually all these rules with their beast master, ranger companion.
Joined: Oct 2020
for the Ranger:Hunter subclass Colossus Slayer and Horde Breaker are not limited to once per turn. Which is a pretty solid buff, especially for dual wield and extra attack at level 5
Joined: Oct 2020
Another thing, all classes can swap prepared spells at any time including combat. (hope this is a bug)
Joined: Oct 2020
Dipping/coating your weapon takes a bonus action instead of an action. Also you can use fire to add 1d4 fire damage instead of poison. (Yes, Basic Poison is described in the PHB and explicitly says you can coat your weapon with it as an Action for additional 1d4 damage added to the attack.)