Originally Posted by Hawke
This isn't 3.5E/Pathfinder their stats are boring and the only reason people played them because they were good min maxing race so Larin hopefully skips them.

That is bullshit, just because Aasimar aren't grimdark (or at least they weren't in 3.5e), doesn't mean there aren't folks who like their divine/angellic flavour as something DIFFERENT from the usual Grimfark or animalistic races. And FR has particularly interesting Aasimar lore (many are tied to Gods, especially the Gods of the Mulan). 4e made Aasimar reincarnating race by conflating Aasimars with 4e Devas and 5e gave Aasimar subraces, including a dangerous one and a grimdark one.

Aasimar in 5e has the Protector subrace, the more traditional Aasimar who gets a +1 Wisdom and the ability to gain wings and deal radiant damage once per turn for a short time, the Scourge subrace who gets +1 con, and who basically can go radioactive for a minute dealing radiant damage to those around it (and itself) and add radiant damage to an attack once per turn for a short time, and the Fallen Aasimar, gets +1 strength who can deal necrotic danage once per turn abd cause fear for a short time. All Aasimar also have radiant and necrotic resistance, celestial language, Lightbringer (Light cantrip), and healing touch (a one time per long rest heal), and +2 Charisma.

Also in FR some Gods like Ra have taken Aasimar as hosts.

Of course Tasha's Cauldron of Everything will undoubtedly shake things up for races with the Lineage System.