Originally Posted by Abits
I get what you are saying and it's not even a terrible story bit, the problem is with how cheep and arbitrary it is, not to mention a repeat of the terrible choice from dos2. It is just bad writing barely concealing a bad game design choice. Larian just arbitrarily decided they don't want you to have more than X companions ( I really don't get why. It's such a silly decision to invest so much in so many companions only to get rid of them after third of the game) so they pull some bullshit story reasons for it. Same old same old.

Yes, I agree. I also want to keep them all and don't get these design decisions really. All I was doing was pure speculation, I also hated that you lose companions in DOS2 as well and how it was executed, bad game design. And I agree, it's cheap and arbitrary. Just like you, I see absolutely no reason to kill off nearly half of our group in some weird catastrophe. Like I want Larian to be original in their writing, to not repeat the same tropes that they love to do.. like for example: starting stranded on a beach after the ''ship'' got ''wrecked'', like literally it's the beginning of all their modern games published in the last 10 years, Dos1? Start on a beach, Dos2? Beach again. BG3? Oh wait, yea, totally a beach again. I get it, it's their 'new signature' just like the Elder Scrolls series always start with you being a prisoner, at least since Morrowind (or was already in Daggerfall? Never played the first 2 TES games so I don't know and can't be arsed googling it). And I'm hoping Larian will break their tendencies in story writing, take a risk basically, instead of sitting in their 'comfort zone'.

Last edited by Nicottia; 15/10/20 05:29 PM.