Originally Posted by Tylm
Originally Posted by Temperance
Giving the first act a second run, I finally spotted one thing that bothered me all along story-wise. Am I the only one finding it very weird and disturbing that :

- A major city just got literally harvested by mind flayers and absolutely nobody in the first act seem to care. NPCs don't care, companions don't care, your PC doesn't care either.
- Despite having witnessed a giant mind flayer hive crashing nearby (or at least heard it crash), people just casually go on with their business without the slightest sense of urgency whatsoever.
- NPCS even bring out Baldurs Gate in their lines, telling you how they hope to reach the city, despite it being literally destroyed. Even if they're not aware, your PC / companions should be able to tell them about the state of the city ! An event of this scale should affect everyone ! Look at the first chapter of Descent into Avernus for example. Refugees, panic. Everywhere. World feels alive.
- Last but not least : my PC has a tag showing I grew in Baldurs Gate. One of his/her main drive should be about getting to know the state of Baldurs Gate and learning why it got harvested / caught in friendly fire between Gyths and Mind flayers. Growing there, it's safe to assume he/she has friends, maybe family whatsoever. He/she should care.I have yet to see dialogues with my companions or major NPCs showing that. We should be able to inquire about those things. I don't care the slightest about refugees and druids if I know my hometown has been destroyed. My PC and his/her companions should talk more about this than spending time banting about how they hate each other.

There is an overall lack of urgency in the story. With such an intense intro, characters should react more about what they've been through. As it is right now, it seems like everyone knows about mind flayers, everyone seems to be okay with it, and everyone deals with it like it's just another standard threat.

Bottom line, the story of the first act seems totally disconnected from the world and the major events surrounding it. It makes my PC even blander. And the world doesn't feel alive at all.

God. That's true !

Might not make sense to ya, but Barrelmancy sure does to me! Michael Bay Effect beats all.

Last edited by JDCrenton; 15/10/20 11:07 PM.