Originally Posted by lanceromancer
I agree, the game definitely has some exposition problems. The setting, current state of the world and several of the characters could use more explanation.

I know there will be some who say just read the latest D&D lore, and I am/will be doing more of that. They should still be able to make it more accessible in an immersive/cinematic/interactive way. There's a lot of gods and races that I don't know much about and think should be explained better in the character creator and possibly in a codex like other games. A "More info" pop-up in the character creator (maybe with some illustration or simple animation) for each race and god would help. I think there should especially be a better introduction to the nature of the gods, Hells and Tieflings. Tieflings look pretty evil and according to lore are "generally distrusted", this feels only subtly mentioned.

subtly mentioned. Foul blood, kicked out of an entire city, mud blood. not to spoil anything but play as a tiefling go to the grove and talk to kagha, check dc between tiefling, and another character.

How is the above subtle? One of the options when you talk to Zevlor is 'Are there any place for Tieflings.' its there in black and white. This and the above is not subtle it's a gaint barbarian slamming it's axe into your face screaming 'Your dead!'

It's the same with Drow, and Zevlors surprise at seeing your a Drow and saved him. The same with Gith when you run into Shadowheart the first time. It's all there in black and white, some things ig you can dig around and find out. Explore and learn my young padawan.

I'll not go into the lore bit, since it's still EA, and there are alot of things not in game, and it's been discussed on many other threads.