Originally Posted by Orbax
Originally Posted by Traycor
Originally Posted by Orbax
It will never happen, why is this a conversation.

Based on the feedback, it wouldn't be surprising if the game shifts to match closer to 5e, or finding ways to make sticking closer to 5e "less boring".

Yeah, theyll for sure develop this further. They arent going to go dust off a pre-alpha build thats sitting on a decommissioned QA server and put it out there and try to put more than 0% effort into maintenance, functionality, or responsiveness. Its also proprietary and contains a larger portion of content than the EA, so theyd have to go and try to code out a quarantine for people. Plus, when you do things like that, people pinky swearing or not, they expect whatever is in there to be possible, feasible, and easily implemented if people clamor for it enough. The lack of understanding the general populace has for systems management or development is such an impossibly high barrier that even if they had all of the technical resources to get it out there, public sentiment and A-B comparisons and requests with what would be ultimately nothing but an exercise in deflating peoples hopes with a series of "no"s would stop it just on the PR and community relationship end. There is no, NO, justifiable reason to put a single non-Larian person in that environment.

I think you might be taking the request too literally. While the OP might actually want to play that old build, the heart of the request is that 5e was programmed in, so they want to try BG3 using the work that was done. That's not as unreasonable a request as it might sound. Plus, I think the EA builds will start creeping in that direction.