Joined: Oct 2020
Still getting used to it so...guess they are not there?
Joined: Oct 2020
Aasimar are included as a playable race in Volo's Guide to Monsters. That they're not playable in BG3 doesn't mean they don't exist; they're like gnomes or dragonborn in that regard.
Joined: Oct 2020
I really hope they will be playable by full release. They're essentially the angelic counterparts of Tieflings, so it would be nice to see them as playable, or at the very least as NPCs scattered about the world.
Joined: Sep 2017
Yes, they are still alive and kicking. Full playable race with 3 subraces. http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/aasimarsc: Volo´s guide to monsters.
Last edited by _Vic_; 15/10/20 10:01 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
This isn't 3.5E/Pathfinder their stats are boring and the only reason people played them because they were good min maxing race so Larin hopefully skips them.
Joined: Oct 2020
Aasimar are included as a playable race in Volo's Guide to Monsters. That they're not playable in BG3 doesn't mean they don't exist; they're like gnomes or dragonborn in that regard. AFAIK Larian's said the races will be those listed in PHB. I'd like they to be in (just to see how Shadowheart reacts vs how she reacts to drow as much as anything) but if they put all the PHB I expect the workload would be too much and it would take resources from another aspect of the game.
Joined: Sep 2017
Dataminers have found no mention of Aasimar in the game files only of Duergar, Gnomes, Halforc and Dragonborn so Larian currently has no plans to add them
Last edited by Hawke; 15/10/20 11:52 AM.
Cleric of Innuendo
Cleric of Innuendo
Joined: Oct 2020
This isn't 3.5E/Pathfinder their stats are boring and the only reason people played them because they were good min maxing race so Larin hopefully skips them. That's not true. I played an aasimar simply because of the character's concept and background, and I'm sure that I wasn't the only one to have done so. Not everyone looks at the numbers before the character story. If they are included in BG3 then, great, but I have along list of races and classes that I'd prefer the developers to implement before aasimar turned up.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2019
This isn't 3.5E/Pathfinder their stats are boring and the only reason people played them because they were good min maxing race so Larin hopefully skips them. That is bullshit, just because Aasimar aren't grimdark (or at least they weren't in 3.5e), doesn't mean there aren't folks who like their divine/angellic flavour as something DIFFERENT from the usual Grimfark or animalistic races. And FR has particularly interesting Aasimar lore (many are tied to Gods, especially the Gods of the Mulan). 4e made Aasimar reincarnating race by conflating Aasimars with 4e Devas and 5e gave Aasimar subraces, including a dangerous one and a grimdark one. Aasimar in 5e has the Protector subrace, the more traditional Aasimar who gets a +1 Wisdom and the ability to gain wings and deal radiant damage once per turn for a short time, the Scourge subrace who gets +1 con, and who basically can go radioactive for a minute dealing radiant damage to those around it (and itself) and add radiant damage to an attack once per turn for a short time, and the Fallen Aasimar, gets +1 strength who can deal necrotic danage once per turn abd cause fear for a short time. All Aasimar also have radiant and necrotic resistance, celestial language, Lightbringer (Light cantrip), and healing touch (a one time per long rest heal), and +2 Charisma. Also in FR some Gods like Ra have taken Aasimar as hosts. Of course Tasha's Cauldron of Everything will undoubtedly shake things up for races with the Lineage System.
Joined: Oct 2020
Still getting used to it so...guess they are not there? There are MANY canonical races in 5E, but the races in the PHB are generally classified as 'common races'. Aasimar are an exotic race, of which there are many. We should expect to see the Dragonborn, gnome, and half-orc added to the playable races in BG3. I doubt we will ever see an aasimar, goliath, genku, aarakocra, firbolg, (insert about 15 others here) unless they are community modded in!
Last edited by dwheresmymana; 15/10/20 01:06 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Still getting used to it so...guess they are not there? There are MANY canonical races in 5E, but the races in the PHB are generally classified as 'common races'. Aasimar are an exotic race, of which there are many. We should expect to see the Dragonborn, gnome, and half-orc added to the playable races in BG3. I doubt we will ever see an aasimar, goliath, genku, aarakocra, firbolg, (insert about 15 others here) unless they are community modded in! The "common races" are planned for launch. I'd say there's a fair chance they get officially patched in eventually through either expansions or a BG4. Would love to play a Goliath. It's hard to say though, Larian hasn't done any expansions - just definitive editions. Either way it's a long way off as this game will be in EA for at least a year.
Joined: Jan 2018
I second the inclusion of Goliaths. I can take or leave Aasimar, but the more that gets included the merrier.
Joined: Oct 2020
nah Leave Goliaths out, they where a random thing invented for 3rd edition and IMHO never really felt like they belonged in FR
Joined: Oct 2020
Still getting used to it so...guess they are not there? There are MANY canonical races in 5E, but the races in the PHB are generally classified as 'common races'. Aasimar are an exotic race, of which there are many. We should expect to see the Dragonborn, gnome, and half-orc added to the playable races in BG3. I doubt we will ever see an aasimar, goliath, genku, aarakocra, firbolg, (insert about 15 others here) unless they are community modded in! The "common races" are planned for launch. I'd say there's a fair chance they get officially patched in eventually through either expansions or a BG4. Would love to play a Goliath. It's hard to say though, Larian hasn't done any expansions - just definitive editions. Either way it's a long way off as this game will be in EA for at least a year. I got drow and tieflings so I'm good. I would like to see Aasimar just to be the counterpart, but genasi (sp?) also would have to be added as well as the elemental versions. The problem with Faerun is that literally EVERYONE can be found there. Including Warforged. Larian did say they intend to have many more races added so at the very least what is considered "common races" for Faerun will probably make the cut. As far as kobolds are concerned, I wouldn't hold your breath. Or for Tengus. Dragonborn probably will make it eventually. Warforged probably wont for the very reason they are living constructs, which is a shame, but hey I get it. Unless something very odd happens that allows a tadpole to turn a living construct into a mind flayer. (Mind is now boggled). Suffice to say, we all have a fan favorite races we'd like to play, but we aren't going to have every option available due to story reasons. Although I guess a vampire spawn is capable of carrying a tadpole...ehhh...I think I'm stretching it. Anyways, I say just enjoy the game for what it is. You can all play that really strange race called humans though. Totally nuts and out of their minds! Who put them in charge am I right? 
Last edited by Ghost King; 16/10/20 02:14 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
+1 while i dont think theyll be available at launch or during ea i think we are likely to see them at some point for some of the reasons others have mentioned on this thread (ie mods ultimately if larian doesnt). i personally think that the more racial options the better, especially planetouched given the whole tutorial of the game is spent jumping planes, battling with mindflayers and gith in hell, and would only increase the 'replayability' aspect of the game. i also wouldnt be surprised if goblins, bugbears and the like get added at some point too - but again likely via the modding community, so i only hope that larian gives the community the tools needed to more easily make such things happen
Joined: Sep 2017
Aasimar are interesting indeed, but there are plenty of human variations of different sizes already. What the game needs are more bestial races: Aarackocka, catfolk, Dragonborn, etc.
Last edited by _Vic_; 16/10/20 04:47 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
I'd prefer more race options than higher levels.
Joined: Oct 2020
If they're talking about the base 5e PhB then they already went beyond that with githyanki and drow.
Joined: Oct 2020
Drow are in the 5e PHB.
But the the variant tieflings are from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, as are Githyanki, and half elves are the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide version, rather than the PHB version.
Joined: Oct 2020
The Aasimar are in the DM book as a playable option. Imo WoC screwed the pooch with making Tiefling a "common race" it rob them of their uniqueness. Valen Shadowbreath was a really cool character in nwn attached to a race that was as rare as a good aligned Drow. But now tiefling everywhere because of 4e retconned them and forced asmodeus on the fr pantheon. 4e was a mistake even because some writer didn'tike the word Aasimar we got the Deva thing instead of proper Aasimar.