Originally Posted by Zress
Originally Posted by Sephirajo
Originally Posted by Zress
I really hope Karlach is not a companion. I think she has the dialogue I hated the most. And it means we won't have a nice and friendly female companion. Damn... she cursed so much in that dialogue that in the end I just killed her.

....Women don't exist for you. Not even virtual ones. *eye roll*

Not sure why you say that. I just think that specifically in BG3 the female companions are not very appealing personality wise. In the OG games the companions were much more friendly and appealing, even the evil ones. When I encountered Karlach in my playthrough she was dropping f-bombs left and right and it was that dialogue that really broke my immersion. She points her crossbow and bad mouthing four fully armed adventurers, and even after I talked to her and showed interest in her story she kept cursing and acting like an asshat. After a while I just couldn't stand her crappy attitude so I attacked.

I have nothing against woman. Quite the opposite, I would love to see more female companions in the game, and hopefully we will get to see them soon. I just hope that they will be more friendly than the ones we have now. How is it not okay to ask for friendly companions? why should I travel and put my life in the hands of people that resent me and give me snarky comments each time I approach them?

1. You used females.
2. Women don't have to be friendly. I bet you want them to smile more too.