Hello All, first ever post, pardon my etiquette. Been playing ALOT of the early access and Ive been having a blast. Figured Id run some notes on it, see if I could help with polish. Please let me know if these have been mentioned too many times, or if Im not being specific enough.

1. Adjusting Opaqueness of "Camera see through terrain" feature: This is a really nice feature, but sometimes in its a hinderance. i.e. in combat, if someone is above my current character, i cannot see the terrain they are standing on, and so i cannot select the area around them to move closer. Also I cannot see where holes are that they could attack me through (see Goblin Ambush Fight at the Blighted Village, that was almost a party wipe for me lol). All said, it would be nice to have a slider in setting that could adjust how opaque the "See through terrain" feature is, and to be able to act upon terrain that is being "seen through"

2. Multiselect in inventory. Inventory management is exhausting. Probably the only part of the game i genuinely dont like. Its so cool finding a bunch of loot but then having to sort it all, get it all to the highest charisma character, etc. takes forever. would be really nice to be able to drag and select multiple items at once. that combined with the existing sub menus would be hella easy.

3.Access non-party characters inventories at camp. Having to add characters back and forth trying to get what i need from each is abit tedious. After listening to Astarion say "your looking at me again" for the 5th time, I started to feel creepy lol. Swapping his potions between characters took forever (i make characters designated carriers for different types of items, its alittle weird i know)

I have more notes, just cant remember them rn. Will start taking them down as i remember, bring them back here. This game is already super good, I really have enjoyed every minute of the hours iv put in so far. Even with restarting to old saves to get past some bugs, Ive had a blast. GotY potential