Originally Posted by LoneSky
I don't know when will they do that, but in early versions there are less optimizations usually, because why do it when things get replaced and need optimized again.

I can run this game fine as it is, with no FPS drops, but with lesser hardware could be problems maybe. I have everything on highest at 4K native resolution, but I'm still using Frame Rate Limiter to keep my system as quiet as possible, these kind of games don't need high frame rates IMO.
So try to use the in-game Frame Rate Limiter option to lower frame rate as much as you can accept, maybe not lower than 20-24, I'm at 50 but that's high end system. 30 should be fine, I remember few years ago I limited most of my games to 30 FPS and was just fine. Now I play things which need about 45 at least being action games and skills won't be smooth lower, that's why I'm at 50, but BG3 is fine at 30.

If the in-game frame limiter doesn't work, use Nvidia Inspector or RivaTuner Statistics Server (just the frame rate limit feature, rest turn off)

Then adjust the rest, maybe google each setting on what they do if you need, because lowering shadows help by far more than low textures (only lower these if not enough texture memory on GPU), same with other features. If everything is at lowest, including frame rate limit, then nothing else you can do.

Limiting the frames actually helped substantially.
When I first started, I set it to 60 and called it a day. Bumping it down has actually helped quite a bit for my aging rig. Thanks for the tip!

I don't want to fall to bits 'cos of excess existential thought.