i also will probly not pc an origin character, but i think it would be neat to be able to take some aspects of an origin character to include in our own pc creation without having to play that origin/race/class/stat combo - like have your pc take the vampire spawn features - i dont see that as feasible or happening, but it would be nice to use some of the resources larian devoted to the origin characters for our own pc.

somewhat related, but i also dont think that its a good idea to have players be able to totally adjust the features of an origin character if selected for pc character creation. i wouldnt be opposed to it, and normally i am pro more player choice/agency the better, but it seems to be in contrast of the whole origin character concept if players can just override the base character features how they want, bc at that point are they really even playing the origin character that larian envisioned? (rhetorical - and if not, then what is the point of origin characters being pc options?) i could get behind having some limited, but world consistent changes players could implement for origin characters as pcs - like wyl could be a lvl one ranger, maybe rogue (or other applicable class, but idk how monk would look with wyl for example) and still fit in the 'blade of the frontiers' and the warlock patron would become more a roleplay item than class mechanics at that point? - but that likely would be a large undertaking in development. i also think that as a pc if you pick up an origin character in world at lvl one - from that point on you should be free to level/multi class that origin character as you want, but to totally revamp an origin character during pc character creation to account for a players preferences just sounds like you are not really playing an origin character - you are just making your own pc.