Originally Posted by odesseiron81
Well you're in for a treat. Because as it stands right now, according to the Early Access FAQ, there's a comment stating after Act 1 our party is locked with the people we have. Or something to that effect. They haven't clarified and it's causing its own stir, among the adding a 5th/6th slot for a party member. Personally I think it should be 5. 6 Might be a bit much to manage and create balance issues.

See this is what I don't understand. If we are getting more companions, are we locked with only three from chapter 2 onwards? Or are we getting more in chapter 2?
Because if they give us more at the beginning, even if its 1 or 2 (I'm not counting spoilers here), that's A LOT of companions to abandon. I mean DOS2 did this - two companions were always left behind, but as much as I love DOS2 I am really not happy with this similarity in BG3.

Last edited by Arideya; 16/10/20 07:14 PM.

"There are three things that are strength incarnate: there is love of life, there is fear of death, and there is family. A family that loves death would have a strong pull indeed." - Tamoko