
I am the sort of person who likes to play games on the easiest settings possible. I am not totally struggling with the game as it currently is, but I am finding it to be an unsatisfying experience at times, especially since load times are horrible which makes save scumming annoying.

Anyway, this post is about possibilities for difficulty settings. Larian could do worse than looking at Owlcat's Pathfinder series for ideas here - completely customizable difficulty settings for the basic wimp like me to the hardest of hardcore ironman people. There are a couple of things I want to specifically address though - you'll understand the first one if you read my anecdote at the end of this post.

The lowest difficulty setting should completely do away with the concept of character death. Have characters knocked down in the fight get up at the end. If that isn't possible, at the very least on this setting enemies should not be targeting downed individuals, and the save DC for a death save should be 5. (Yes, it's DC 10 in DnD 5e, but we're talking about the easiest setting here! I am not proposing it change for all difficulty levels!)

Another thing I might suggest for the lowest difficulty level is a reduction of all DCs, I (and I'm sure there's others) would really like to avoid save scumming if at all possible. The load times at the moment are too slow for it to be an effective tool for those who want to see the story and yet see continual fails on conversation dice rolls. This could be something that can be adjusted over the difficulty levels, make them harder for higher difficulty levels.

If you have any other ideas for difficulty settings, feel free to post them in this thread. (Please don't attack or belittle people who like an easier game, just because we're soft and squishy doesn't mean we're total carebears... and besides, I might cry *sob*.)



I think I hit my limit last night when I was fighting a Boss and lost Shadowheart. At the end of the fight, I realized I didn't have any scrolls of revivify, and as such I was stuck with a dead party member. So in the end, after much faffing about, I decided the easiest solution was just to repeat the fight, but this time without fatalities. Then I ended up losing Wyll (the baddie hit Wyll so hard, he flew into a ravine, and hilariously ended up all the way back to camp, where his corpse landed near the campfire, but I digress...) So I gave up for the night.

That whole situation might have been mitigated if Shadowheart's corpse was able to be picked up. Cause then I could have taken the corpse with me when I went to buy more revivify scrolls, rather than having to buy the scrolls then sneak back into the now thoroughly hostile goblin camp to her corpse. This is not an unrealistic idea - people can be carried.