Originally Posted by wistfulgal
You pretty much said what I was feeling. I thought about making a thread, but yea seemed like way to much work :P

If no sliders are going to make it in game, more , lots more heads please. Also more tattoos and definitely more makeup options.

Originally Posted by Divine Star

I love spending hours upon hours on character customization

I agree somewhat. Sometimes I love getting lost in the character creation, but others I have no desire to spend hours upon hours fiddling with sliders, only to find out in the game that my character looks atrocious (I'm looking at you Dragon Age)

big on this - luckily this character creator at least matches game pretty well but one thing ffxiv's character creator did right is let you view your character in different areas and climates and lighting. DA's character creator had super unique lighting and shadowing that just looked completely different from the actual game