Pupito's last sentence actually raises another fantastic point.

If every fight and every enemy is 'special', then no fights and no enemies are special. Each time you add something new to a monster that isn't in the rules, you have to be aware that you're taking something else away. If every enemy is throwing around magical arrows, bombs, and spells in every fight, then the impact of those formerly special events is diminished. That is something DoS 1 and 2 really suffered from, the endless arms race for newer and flashier effects. But again, that's where Larian's job should be so easy, because 5e already accounts for that. Encounter balance is baked into CR calculations for the monsters involved. Yes tweaks will need to be made for going digital, but Larian only needs to make those tweaks when a computer simply isn't capable of understanding the rules.

Please, please, trust in the rules of 5e Larian.