Yes the random rolls tend to miss multiple times in a row, wich is statistically improbable and very frustrating (especially when you got a big "critical miss !" when you need a 2+ to hit... smirk ).

As the OP said, sense of "avoidances" by enemie may slightly alleviate the feeling of the game basically spitting "you suck" to you constantly.
Like missing the enemy by 1-2 margin being either "blocked" or "parried" feedbacks instead of miss/critical miss should help getting a better feel of what's going on, instead of the binary system we got here.

But the way of deviating the ruleset by lowering AC/buffing HP is no good IMO ; as you said goblins being bulletsponges will not alleviate the fact combat will be twice as long.
Better introduce "brushing hits" when target is damaged for a fraction of the regular roll, like missing by 1-2 will deal half damage or something like that. Far less frustrating when you miss with you 2-handed fighter than now, but it could lead to player issues as well (enemy will damage players more as well, where any lost HP can make a big difference in combat outcomes).

Also when AI got improved I expect to see different behaviors happening in combat, like goblins starting to flee after being severly injured, with maybe a "willpower" check for nearby allies, wich may trigger fear and other reactions to being hit/burned/slaughtered to bits, as well as the opposite (ennemy pushing their advantage over you when they feel they are winning).