I would like to comment and say personally myself I know its not everyones cup of tea. But personally I enjoy some of those long drawn out larger encounters. Some times those heavier numbers encounters are better and more challenging than smaller numbers. There are times both are enjoyable. Also pre-planning for those encounters can be very impactful more so than a single enemy encounter. While there are alot of really large scale encounters in the goblin camp there are a lot of ways you can take 5 -10 minutes setup for the fight before it starts and make the encounter a 10 minute large scale encounter instead of a 1 hour large scale encounter. 1-2 of those fights you can horde barrels of explosives and alcohol/oil and just clear it in 1 maybe 2 rounds of combat. It just requires thought and it makes the game more enjoyable especially if the sheer numbers prove to be challenging. They are trying to have those options for people who like it and I really do enjoy those large scale battle fights even if they do drag out sometimes. Some of us find them fun.