Originally Posted by charlarn
I know this has been said before but id say this is the single biggest issue with the ea right now so it's worth repeating. Big battles of 10+ enemies consist of nothing but tabbing out between your turns, using an ability and then tabbing out again.

Sadly I dont think this is an issue that will be fixed by making the enemies turns faster. Rather, since the game is designed around smaller fights and works very well with them, that is the only type of fight the game should give you.

Made a post about that but its seems your explained it better. I totally agree , the goblin fight was so long. Its take three minutes of ennemy turn for you being able to play with your character. I was reading a book while playing. Merely moving to a hight ground took me 4 turn, so that 80+ enemy turn of waiting just to have a good position in the fight. Then its took something like 10 more turn to finish the fight.

The worst was, I completed it once before, and the fight was almost one hour long but the game crashed just before I kill the last couple of enemy . *take a breather and go walk outside*.

If it's what it's takes to save the world, then the world doesn't deserves to be saved - Geralt