don't think the combat takes too long at all. more enemies the better! also surprisingly i actually really like the turn-based style. i know nothing about D&D and have only ever played BG1&2 and icewind dale so real-time-with-pause is all I've ever known, but I'm glad BG3 didn't go that route.

one thing i have learned about D&D though (solely based on these forums) is that it has the snobbiest, most toxic player base ive ever seen in my life haha. and on top of that everyone that posts anything ends up blatting about every response they get. if you're that sensitive don't post your opinions. honestly though, i think you all get offended intentionally just to get into these pointless de-railing debates to see who can sound the smartest. talking like you're writing a thesis paper in a video game forum lol