
I'm boggled by one of the posts how does a gnoll get it's hands on an acid arrow. that just using an arrow should be the limit of it's intellegence.... that boggles me

1. Gnolls are not anymore or less stupid then a normal int 10 person. Some are but most aren't
2. Gnolls raid as a lifestyle, which means they learn about their weapons, and how to raid. It's their life, and how they get food, materials, etc.
3. Even a child can be taught how to use a bow, and many can shoot better then most adults. Especially when their life revolves around using that bow, or other weapon. The hardest part about using a bow for gnolls, is claws. Yet different ethnic groups in the past have used other ways of holding the bow string so, claws are feasible. Not the greatest but still doable.

Some of the naunces about stupid enemies, vs smart enemies. Alot of the enemies in game the common ones goblins, ogres, gnolls, bugbears, orcs etc, etc etc, live by fighting, by raiding again this is their life blood. Furthermore even animals know when someone is moving away they can attack easier (attack of oppurtunity), they also know who is causing the most damage (basic survival sense). You see someone murder three of your friends with one go. Yeah attack him! or Run!.

Much like a pack of wolves will go after the weak animals, the elderly, the young, while avoiding mommy. They don't have to fight mommy to get what they want which is food. If they had to they'd do the reverse and go after mommy, and say screw the children and elderly. So again they sense who is the strongest, and who is the weakest.

It's not about stupid, vs. smart it's far more complex then that, and it makes sense.

Why is everything boiled down to such a blah thing stupid vs. smart... just wow. Stupid evil, stupid goblin, stupid penis eating minnows, stupid AI...realistically, and from experience I'd much rather fight a smart person then a dumb one. Dumb ones don't realize their not spose to be able to do what they do. Supposed smart ones are limited by their supposed smarts, for the most part.

Unless your Sherlock Holmes then that dude was kinda scary, in the pit.