Originally Posted by clavis
I'm boggled by one of the posts how does a gnoll get it's hands on an acid arrow. that just using an arrow should be the limit of it's intellegence.... that boggles me

1. Gnolls are not anymore or less stupid then a normal int 10 person. Some are but most aren't
2. Gnolls raid as a lifestyle, which means they learn about their weapons, and how to raid. It's their life, and how they get food, materials, etc.

I'm sorry but you're 100% wrong about that. https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/gnoll Gnolls have 6 int, 4 less than a normal int 10 person. And sure, they raid as a lifestyle. But they're also described as feral. The combination of instantly knowing which party member has the lowest AC, exploiting acid arrow to reduce our ACs, and ignoring attacking us to get a high ground advantage is just too much.