Ummm, did I mention anything about lowest AC, or acid arrow? No I don't think I did. But I'm going to humor you
I'm boggled by one of the posts how does a gnoll get it's hands on an acid arrow. that just using an arrow should be the limit of it's intellegence.... that boggles me
Please don't attack me for quoting you. I don't necessarily disagree with you that a creature with int of 6 should be able to use an acid arrow, but claiming you "never mentioned anything about...acid arrow" is disingenuous.
And true, you didn't explicitly mention AC, but others in this post have. The enemy AI prioritizing our squishies, often completely ignoring the fighter with the sword in front of their face, is very relevant to this topic on battles. On the one hand, it is interesting to fight against a smart enemy. On the other, we want our fighter/tank to be able to pull aggro and do their job protecting our mages. I was suggesting a balance, where some encounters are against enemies that allow our fighter to shine, while others are against smarter enemies that are more difficult.
Then there is fact that not all gnolls have an int of 6, just like all humans dont' have an int of 10.
Somewhat fair point. Gnoll Pack Lords have ints of 8 and gnoll fang of yeenoghus have ints of 10. Plus there is spread for individuals. But most gnolls DO have intelligence under 10 whereas most (or the average) humans have intelligences of 10 in this world.
Now, you also have a lot of points about using Intelligence vs Wisdom to determine tactics and how smart the enemy is in combat, which are good points. There is a lot of overlap between those 2 stats and this discussion can apply generally, and not just to gnolls. So sure, I'd be fine if the average of wisdom and intelligence determined how smart the enemy AI was. I just want the game to be in a state where not every single enemy knows exactly which of my party members has the lowest AC and focuses entirely on them.