As for the attack it wasn't really, it was me being my mix of sarcasm, and odd humor. Much like someone rubbing their hands together irl, in anticipation of percieved bout for whatever reason. I try to rein it in, but sadly as you can tell I fail at times. Case in point telling my kids i'll kick the white out of them. 'despite what others may think I wouldn't kick them, let alone try to kick the white out of them. One it's impossible to kick the color out of anything. Then there is the one that went horribly wrong, but truelly epic. I told my then five year old "if you feel froggy, just jump' she responded by ribbiting and hoping around the entire house. So you see it's my nature to say things like this, and in your place I'd of put. 'Stop being an ass, Clavis.' then moved on as you did. Now then lets put on the gloves. (j/k should prolly add this to most of what I say, and text, and everything else, just a bother.)
Your poor kids! o.O Don't kick them!!!
Shield expert is one, also sentinel?? I think it's called is a feat that allows you to stop enemy movement if you hit them. Unsure if it's in EA or not,I find that some of the feats should be subclass features (there are some subclasses that do, just not the ones in EA. I believe not 100% sure) at times it sucks to have to build your fighter around such things, but it's part of D&D and 5e.
I don't think sentinel is in EA yet. There's a Xanathar's Guide to Everything fighter subclass called Cavalier, and their 10th level ability is basically the Sentinel feat. I'm skeptical that they'll put it in the game though, as they'd also have to deal with horses and mounted combat

Next point I actually agree with... your making it hard for me to be a dick btw with your logic!!
correction shield expert is wierdly worded to me for some reason. It implies disadvantage if your near an enemy who attacks an ally? or is it if your near an ally enemies get disadvantage if they attack they ally. My brain isn't wrapping around that one again.
Are you referring to the Protection Fighting Style that fighters get, or the Shield Master feat? If the former, then you protect an ally who is within 5 feet of you, imposing disadvantage on an enemy attacking them (putting your shield in harm's way)