Joined: Oct 2020
Few things noted last night during MP game: - If you long rest in the Defiled Temple, just before entering the Underdark, the previously opened door closes again, but characters can just walk through it as if it were open.
- Glowcap mushroom doesn't have an an image
- Sunwalker's Gift - this ring doesn't include a mechanical description of what it does, but looks like it is intended to given the amount of blank space beneath the fluff description.
- Eat - unable to do this as a bonus action during combat, despite it saying it's a bonus action on food item info.
Inventory Interaction During Combat - unable to interact with items in inventory (by opening inventory) while in combat. Items must be on hotbar in order to use them.
Last edited by Dragnsfire; 17/10/20 07:50 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Gale DeathAs a test, I had him jump to his death. This resulted in him being teleported back to camp. It did not give the usual cutscene upon his death with all the instructions, and when I quick traveled back to camp, it placed me and another party member right in the necrotic damage aura. If I tried to move myself, the other party member would just walk back into the aura like a moron. Bartering/tradingSwitching characters for bartering doesn't switch what equipment you're comparing to. It's always stuck on the party member who initiated the conversation with the trader. Not sure if this is intentional or a bug, though. Other oddities/QA in Druid GroveAlfira - cinematic problem with standing/sitting, as well as disappearing hands/arms into her body/clothing. Auntie Ethel - cinematic problem with the healing potion looking like it's stabbing through her hand. Also, her hands look like rigor mortis has set in. (Maybe it has  ) Okta - cinematic problem with giving the bowl of gruel. |Basic Fish| - there are three of these by Ormn, the bear on the beach area.
Joined: Oct 2020
When confronting Kagha about the shadow druids in the inner grove when the 3 mice transform into the shadow druids all 3 never form a solid body constantly disfigured also had one of them wild shape into a wolf and was still able to climb the vines to get on top of the columns which imo should not be possible in beast form.
Joined: Oct 2020
I am in the ruins/chapel near the beach you arrive on after the ship at the start of the game. If I save while hiding, reload the save, and then take any action (including to stop hiding, with TMB on or off) most/all light sources stop working and instead generate pitch black jagged edged shadows. Darkvision does not penetrate these, but I can still see using darkvision in areas that didn't have nearby lightsources. Seems to only hit placed light sources, not natural light coming from outside. (For example, a brazier generates a pool of jagged-edged darkness, and a hall with many candelabras is just completely swathed in it.)
I don't know if it is related, but when loading into a save where I am stealthed, all the light is initially very bright and then after several seconds adjusts downward a couple times until it becomes normal for the map.
This is all using DX11. Using Vulcan I kept having issues where the game would drop to 1 (or less) FPS until I reloaded a save. Seemed to only happen when approaching doors, but that could have been coincidence.
Last edited by MelTorefas; 17/10/20 12:43 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Gloves of Power: My character has the Absolute's mark so they don't get Bane cast on them, but while casting Shield of Faith on someone in the party the gloves casts Bane on them. I wouldn't consider a beneficial spell cast on a party member as an attack that would set off Bane. While fighting the Minotaurs in the Underdark I had Wyll take a Superior Health Potion (8d4+8) and he only healed 8 hit points, when the least he should have been able to heal is 16. Can't make a Masterwork Sickle, and a couple of times when I tried the greatsword in my inventory was used instead. ![[Linked Image]](https://images2.imgbox.com/66/c8/5h4pTrua_o.png)
Last edited by Swiss; 18/10/20 02:05 PM. Reason: Added
Joined: Oct 2020
I've now had two crashes, both in the Blighted Village.
First, upon beginning a battle with the goblins on the rooftops.
Second, after entering a cellar under a (barn/house) at the entrance of the village. After I entered, I immediately left the cellar and the game crashed.
Joined: Oct 2020
Killing the squirrel Timber in the Grove results in him having no death animation, while as passing the STR check to kick him makes him ragdoll normally.
Joined: Oct 2020
combat bug Enemies taking too long in battle "plotting next move" or "moving" and actually doing nothing and not ending their turn. This is dragging battles a lot, especially when there's tons of enemies. I suspect it might have to do with the AI? This.. yes.. +1 I won a battle, but it took Very long just watching the Redhats Plotting their next move.. I think they ran out of skills and magic, it was a Long battle..
Joined: Oct 2020
Lae'zel and Wyll are both 'unreachable' in camp. Can not talk to either one.
Also I have the book and the key gem but all Gayle wants is my sword.
Joined: Oct 2020
Some issues today: - Tiefling tails, sometimes stretch really weird during or after jumping. Noticed especially at the entrance to the Kuo-Toa
- Sometimes Tiefling-characters are invisible after loading. Sometimes arms, or tails stay visible. Altering the clothing fixes the issue
- There seem to be pretty nasty bugs with dual-wielding hand-crossbows. Or maybe something else is going on. Would be cool if someone could confirm this. Anyway since Astarion uses 2 hand-crossbows, he crashes the game, whenever he climbs a ladder or vines or anything similar. I tried switching the crossbows for a bow and... the game crashed! Yay! Also tried again, to unequip the crossbows. Offhand worked fine. Mainhand... crashed the game.
- I don't know if this is a bug or more of an oversight: When you go into the Underdark straight from the blighted village and then head to the druegr, the game will tell you, they are wearing the sign of the Absolute, even if you did not see the sign before. Again: I don't know if there's a hidden "knows about the Absolute"-tag (in which case it is a bug) or if it's just static dialogue (in which case it's an oversight).
Joined: Oct 2020
Fighting the Goblins at the windmill and had 2/3 of them dead when suddenly screen went blank, I heard one of them say we were going to pay, screen flickered back on and combat was over, they were gone. Very few bodies laying around, but Gnome was still there.
Odd thing, it was after this that Lae'zell and wyll became unreachable in camp.
Joined: Oct 2020
Adding a few issues I noticed today while fighting Ragzlin and Minthara. Has anyone else experienced these situations?
- goblin casters in the top corner of Ragzlin's room were casting through the wall into Minthara's location where my characters were waiting while in combat - goblins attacking the door in Ragzlin's room rather than opening it or running around - Other enemies climbed the two ladders in Ragzlin's room and stood there doing nothing while in combat - not clear on why the spiders in the pit below were on my side during combat. The goblins prioritized attacking them over my team during the fight.
- Not related to the issues above but the blood on your PC bed persists after being bitten by Astarion
Joined: Oct 2020
I had a few problems with the Goblin hideout.
1. The enemies are so tightly packed that moving about (me or them) alerts enemies in another room, and the game has to stop to load in the new fighters, sometimes soft-crashing as a result, and often resulting in actions taken not registering as my character walks into sight of an enemy not in combat (resulting in no attack, but the action consumed once the game finishes loading). 2. At one point, my custom character couldn't take any actions; attacks did not register, actions were not consumed, and when I tried to move them anywhere, they teleported back to where they were at the start or the turn once I finished it. Had to skip their turn each time in order to progress. 3. The Bear is busted. His spells don't work and he can somehow follow me up ladders but not use them when I control him.
Joined: Oct 2020
If you click this button in the tower you'll actually go down a level and "click" the button on the same spot, window below. Also pictured, character's highlight wont go away. And, like others before me, I'd like to point out the Minotaur fight is pure torture, specially because my custom character froze and wouldn't make actions. ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/JR0VYt7.png)
Joined: Oct 2020
-I'm on friendly terms with Halsin, but he rescued himself on his own after I killed all three goblin leaders. Now, in my camp he repeats "“You deserve to be banished." - I guess it is because I'm a Drow. And I guess it is a bug as he is actually friendly to me, I did save him, albeit only indirectly by killing his captors. -In Nettie's place (one with wolf statue), the entrance and poisoned room was often closed but after reload of the saved game it was open. -Lemon takes health. While I get the point, it's not very realistic imho. Lemons are healthy and definitely support healing quite well. ;-)
I don't possess a magical gift, I'm the magic itself.
Joined: Oct 2020
-Maybe not a bug (but I think it is): I intimidated Githyanki patrol to let me be (without any fight) and they left. But the quest (Find the Gythyanki patrol) did not switch to completed in journal.
I don't possess a magical gift, I'm the magic itself.
Joined: Oct 2020
Howdy. I just finished a 4 hour session and started to notice a trend. I had to roll for something 19 times and out of those 19 rolls I hit a double digit number twice. That's it. Additionally, I hit a "1" four times. Something absolutely seems off with the die roller.
Joined: Oct 2020
-Not really a bug but a suggestion - it seems to me I've missed some camp conversations by simply not camping enough (as I actually intentionally tried to minimize the resting to be "quick in solving problems"). Some maybe even critical for lets say romance (I never got Gale's weave scene). It would be nice if the game would somehow inform us, there is a new scene available in the camp so we know now it is time to camp.
I don't possess a magical gift, I'm the magic itself.
Joined: Oct 2020
Companions will sometimes teleport to where I click on the terrain, ahead of my character getting there.
Joined: Oct 2020
During the Ethel fight, one of my allies snuck around to the control orb while I was talking to Ethel. He lowered the cage, and when the fight started Ethel just stood there, plotting her move for a while and then passing her turn.