Originally Posted by endolex
No C-RPG to date, DnD-based or not, has made a big mystery about who you're travelling with. They are supposed to be on the nose and wear their attitude on their sleeves when you first meet them, just like every companion you met in BG1+2 or other C-RPGs. It's intentional. You are supposed to easily judge if you like them and are willing to solve problems together with them. Things are different at an actual roleplaying table, when you *know* you are going to stick together no matter what, you can work with lots more nuances and layers and get to know each other much more slowly. But this is a computer game, with a lot more companions to chose from in the future, and since the current intent is that you'll have to commit at the end of Act 1 who you will spend the rest of the game with, you better have a good idea about who they are pretty quick.

That’s not true but even if it were, it’s terrible writing. And as I described subverts any possibility of you bonding with these people. Who in the fucking world would invite a vampire to the place they sleep? After they were effectively kidnapped by aliens? No one.

Anyway you’re distracting from the point because your assertion is absurd. We were cool with stop motion graphics in the 80’s if you used it today, the audience would think ‘oh this scene isn’t supposed to be serious.’ You’re not addressing any of the narrative conflict, you’re just saying “well that’s how it’s always been. Yeah that’s how it was on DOS. You have no point.