Originally Posted by Skeleton Jack
There should simply be a way to speed up the AI and have them take their turns faster. If we cannot interrupt them (which we currently cannot) then there's no reason not to allow a speed up option. As it is, the camera in large areas, makes it impossible to even know what just happened since the camera won't follow the attack, necessitating the combat log which is just annoying on top of it all.

+1 Speed up AI aspect of combat.

a good part of it as I mentioned somewhere is scripting going into a panic. Which causes enemies to simply stand there for a little while. Watch the meter at the top to see what I mean. When it is working properly it's not nearly as bad. though it can get really bad 12 enemies and 4 of them standing there for minutes at a time.... it was horrible. need to go see my therapist again do to it.