Originally Posted by Worm
How would a gnoll get hold of an acid arrow anyway?

A lot depends on how you see their culture. Do they trade? Do they have organization in terms of gathering OR manufacturing OR bartering/bribing for equipment.

There is an awesome guild to gnolls as seen "through the eyes" of the DnD franchises here:


Depending on the source/timeperiod, there is some thought that gnolls intelligence (average) is around 8; which (again, depending on how you compare) might be comperable to an IQ in the 80s. There is a really interesting discussion of behaviors and descriptions of abilities and activities related via intelligence.

The link is here:


But the relavant discussion of an IQ in the 80s is as follows:

"80-89 — Below average

Above the threshold for normal independent functioning. Can perform explicit routinized hands-on tasks without supervision as long as there are no moments of choice and it is always clear what has to be done. Assembler, food service.

This is also the I.Q. range most associated with violence. Most violent crime is committed by males from this range. This does not imply that all males in this range are violent, nor that all violent males are in this range. But when the modal I.Q. of a group is in this range, one may expect trouble with with many male members of that group. When the modal I.Q. of a society or population is raised upward of this range, violence decreases as fewer males fall in this range then, given the shape of an even remotely normal distribution. When the modal I.Q. of a society is below this range to begin with though, raising it may increase violence. The causal mechanism behind the (statistical) relation between crime and below-average I.Q. is likely that lower I.Q. levels inherently tend to go with having less impulse control, being less able to delay gratification, being less able to comprehend moral principles like the Golden Rule, and being overstrained by the cognitive demands of society.

And, this is the range into which men of average or just above average intelligence sink when under the influence of alcohol; alcohol reduces I.Q. by up to about 25 points while drunk (own data), which explains why many drunk men are violent and aggressive (own hypothesis)

As there are known to be exceptional specimens of Gnoll-hood (Flinds are depicted as having an average intelligence of 13) I think there is plenty of range, and potential support for the idea that they could do some crafting/trading and so on.

Originally Posted by mrfuji3
we should have the option to skip consecutive enemy turns by pressing space or something..

In another thread I head that Larian warned people playing in multiplayer NOT to skip quickly through dialogue as it made the game more likely to be glitchy (I'm severely paraphrasing). I would worry that the same might apply to combat. I'd rather go a little slow than crash.

Originally Posted by Pupito

Fights don't need to have a million different things going on and contain tons of new abilities and flashy explosions to be exciting and fun. Just let me fireball some goblins and have a feeling of being stronger than them without having to worry that 3 of them are gonna shoot acid arrows or start casting cleric spells out of nowhere.

This comment kind of squinked me out because it reminds me of how a bully would think "I don't want THEM to be able to hurt ME"; and hopefully that's not how it was meant; but hey, there is a reason that the University of Minnesota used RPGs (D&D specifically) as part of personality testing.