Originally Posted by DrunkPunk
Originally Posted by Stabbey
I didn't bother reading this, because whatever I think isn't important. The CEO of Larian commented on RTwP in this interview. Skip to 29:24 for the relevant question.


30:03: "There's much more tactical depth that we are able to put in there, that we wouldn't have been able to do in real-time-with-pause. Which, ends up, if you want to have that tactial depth [in Real-Time-with-Pause], being pausing continuously."

30:30: "Actions, bonus actions, movement, manipulation of your actions, manipulation of your bonus actions, getting an extra action - all these things are lost when you make it real time."

One of the things I really like about pathfinder is that you can switch between both systems now, but doing so makes it so apparent that you do indeed lose these things, or at least in many cases they become nearly invisible and much harder to use in more meaningful ways.

Pathfinder is not the same system. There are multiple differences.