Originally Posted by 1varangian
I don't really care what rules the game follows as long as it's good.

That said, I find it extremely annoying that I'm constantly on fire or drenched in acid because every goblin is spamming explosive arrows and bombs. This ceases to be tactical or fun if it's the norm.

I also don't like the amount of cheese and overpowered combat moves this game has. Like the free overpowered shoving and disengaging. Combat is reduced into mindless spamming of overpowered abilities rather than smart positioning and tactics. And this difficulty is apparently supposed to be "hard". Looking at the 5e rules, most if not all of the cheese and overpowered abilities are Larian changes.

I think your wording is rather over the top here but I do agree that shoving is rather too useful and it's odd that main hand attacks are routinely less powerful than the free shove move.

Goblins with fire arrows - again, agree, slightly too common. I think this could be toned down. Maybe they're going for lots of visual effects to showcase the EA game, and will tone it down (along with the number of empty containers, junk and scrolls, I hope). Also, clearly, barrels should weigh more.

I like the idea of disengaging being harder, too. I would suggest ladders be very risky to climb if there's a foe at the top. Holding ground/ defending a narrow area should be more doable than currently.