Originally Posted by override367
Originally Posted by Vynticator
Rather too many people here getting frothy over changes from core 5e rules. Larian do their own version of 5e rules. Elemental surfaces are fun, make the map layout and positioning absolutely crucial, and allow for much more tactical play. Some people get hung up on minute differences from 5e: maybe enjoy the game as it is, if it doesn't work in the game, then critique it in those terms. 5e isn't a bible and it's not useful to be fundamentalist.

The changes make the game worse

The optimum tactical play in this game is to run 4 tiefling wizards spamming magic missiles, because it ignores all the ill conceived changes to targeting they've made, and you have fire resistance to deal with the entire world being on fire all of the time

The optimum tactical play in DnD has always been to run 4 Wizards because they're awesome. So it's true to the spirit of the tabletop.