Originally Posted by Newtinmpls
Originally Posted by Worm

Fights don't need to have a million different things going on and contain tons of new abilities and flashy explosions to be exciting and fun. Just let me fireball some goblins and have a feeling of being stronger than them without having to worry that 3 of them are gonna shoot acid arrows or start casting cleric spells out of nowhere.

This comment kind of squinked me out because it reminds me of how a bully would think "I don't want THEM to be able to hurt ME"; and hopefully that's not how it was meant; but hey, there is a reason that the University of Minnesota used RPGs (D&D specifically) as part of personality testing.

Honestly I read the pupito quote like this "I want to be OP, not challenged or have to think. I want the unoriginal boring troped out of this realm enemy, so I can just waltz through the game." or maybe it's because I'm an ass, but I would not play any game, that involved walk cast, walk cast. Okay I did but even Skyrim made you think at times. Thats what 5e is about and what some are missing. Your spose to think, plot, plan, strategize think of new ways.

the rest of you post I enjoyed, glad you looked that stuff up, my google is often times like my quotefu utter trash.