Originally Posted by Merry Mayhem
Originally Posted by VincentNZ
Originally Posted by Raflamir
An Eder-type companion would be great. He was so un-special and it was nice.

Yeah he was special in being so aggressively normal, something this game really lacks. Apart from the PC, who seems remarkably shallow compared to each and every companion who could rightfully be the protagonist of his own game.

But this is a Larian game, if you are not playing an Origin Character, you are playing the game wrong. You would think having a custom character name show up as Tav would tell you everything Larian wants you to know about your character. The PC is not the hero of this story, we are the sidekick unless your choose to be a protagonists, i.e. an Origin Character.

This is so easy to dispute it is comical.

If we are the sidekick why do we make all the choices and get to close out the game as the main character? Why do we get to choose who gets to come along for the ride? Please explain this to me in detail because you seem privy to information I am not. Furthermore, why give you the option in the first place but not give you the option to play the main character as well? It would make no difference whatsoever as companions taking over dialogues is already a prevalent feature in the game that affects the main story arc constantly and consistently. The feature to watch the conversation play out and also get to read it and voice your opinions also already exists and is used for the entire game in DivOS2 coop.

Now to address the portion that is downright inconsiderate. We are playing wrong? Why does Larian not release a statement to that effect then? They have made statements solidifying their position in many other controversial regards so why not this one? If you have some sort of back channel access directly to the writers and developers could you please let us know and source a comment to this effect for us or ask your friends to release a statement to this regard as this would let us know that we are wasting our time and money in more way than one and should seek restitution. If you are an employee of Larian please make this statement with some official media tied to your actual person so that it may acquire some validity please and thank you. Would you also please explain to us why we paid full price for early access intended to source feedback but are not allowed to voice our opinions, criticism and feedback?

Last edited by Argonaut; 18/10/20 10:14 PM.

I am here to discuss a video game. Please do not try to rope me into anything other than that. Thank you.