Yeah, one thing that is kind of off-putting to me is the rest system. It was just unintuitive to me. I just finished my first play-through, and I love where the game is going. I'm also new to D&D, but I have played similar CRPGs such as Pathfinder: Kingmaker and I watch Critical Role so I'm not completely in the dark.

When I started my play-through, I saw that my Cleric and Wizard had two level 1 spell slots that could only be filled on long rest. Makes sense. I also saw some resources refilled with a short rest. With some research, I found out you get one short rest per long rest. This was good to know after doing a quick google search. I guess I could have found out through trial and error but nothing in game explains this that I know of.

So I figured that I better manage my rests and my spell usage, because I can only reset my spell slots after a long rest. I took my first long rest after my party was beaten up and I was out of spells. Great! I got all my resources refilled! Then I looked for some sort of debuff and/or timer that would say something like, "Your party has rested recently, you cannot rest for X time or until you do X amount of stuff..." Nope.

Ok, I thought. When I rest I go back to my camp. So maybe the cost is my time. If I'm in a dungeon or in the middle of the goblin camp, I can't just magically teleport to my camp and refill all my resources...surely? Wrong again. Once the battle is over, I can long rest and get all my spells back no problem.

I mean, I was relieved to have figured this out. "Cool! I can use my spells as much as I want!!" To be honest, I thought it made my Cleric and Wizard more fun to play once I realized I can just abuse the rest system. I do wonder if this is intended though. Is Early Access balanced around this infinite rest principle but will later be patched?