Originally Posted by Zorax
A changed ruleset might be fun but while the DnD 5e ruleset is balanced the stuff Larian is throwing at us is not. And with every deviation they have to balance more, time they could use better to improve the game at other points (e.g. story). And by the way there are already enough threads about DnD vs Larian rules so if you have something useful to contribute do it there. If you read these threads you will also see that there are a lot less fundamentalists than you think and many DnD folllowers have valid reasons to question Larians approach.

This, also, Larian advertised this as using the 5E ruleset, so no, I won't be getting over how they are messing that up. Larian used it as a big selling point. You and all the rest who don't care if the 5E rules are being badly implemented, and the game worse off for it, go sit in a corner, shut up, and wait for DOS3 instead of telling us to get over Larian failing to deliver on their promises. Also, Larian screws up way more than it fixes going off the rails and doing their own interpretation of 5E. WOTC already put 5E through a crapton of balance testing and errata to get it working as well as it does. Encouraging and supporting Larian half-assing the implementation is inviting them to unnecessarily reinvent the wheel, cause needless balance issues they failed to foresee by their bad changes to rules that have undergone years and years of testing and scrutiny in its own game, and wasting all the rest of our time while we re-test new, poor implementations of half baked changes from Larian (and that's for rules changes made on purpose, not just poorly understood and implemented ones). Larian could have a really good game here, if it sticks more faithfully to D&D 5E, and not try to make some hybrid of 5E meets DOS.

Last edited by Dominemesis; 19/10/20 12:44 AM.