Originally Posted by Iszaryn
I stopped playing DnD at 3.0/3.5 so I really can't complain about the rules in 4th edition or 5th edition, since I don't know what was changed. What is the difference between the rules used in Baldurs Gate 3 and 5th Edition?

There are about 4 or 5 posts in this thread that list differences. But I'll name a few just because.

Cantrips: extra effects that Larian added are OP and make cantrips better than some first or second level spells.
Enermy Armor and health: There are clear rules already established for this so I don't understand why they are having so much trouble.
Advantage on High ground and Disadvantage from lowground. No real rule in D&D for high ground that I can think of offhand. If they made it a +/- 1-2 modifier instead it would be a lot less of an issue.
So many surfaces. Yes, surfaces can happen if you are creative and prepared in D&D, but that requires resources and preparing, not just walking into a room and seeing there are twelve barrels and every enemy has a fire arrow or bomb.
Disengage in D&D is a full action unless you are a rogue or have another class ability like step of the wind that lets you use a resource and do it as a bonus action, and it isn't tied to jumping.

A positive change is that weapons have a bonus effect that you can use once a day or more if it is higher quality. Which gives some variety to weapon attacks, I think they should lean into this and maybe expand the list of options later on for martial characters.

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